[Toolserver-l] RfC: globalsitenotice

Pietrodn powerpdn at gmail.com
Tue Aug 18 12:00:54 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

Il giorno 16/ago/09, alle ore 15:35, DaB. ha scritto:

> Hello all,
> at the moment it is difficult to inform our toolusers (people that  
> use our
> tools) about planed maintainces, downtimes and other important things.

I agree.

> So I had the idea today that a kind of global sitenotice (like the  
> one in the
> wikimedia-projects) would be nice and a easy solution for that. The  
> easiest
> way to implement it is IMHO a simple textfile, that toolauthors
> may/can/should/whatever insert in their tools. I created such a  
> file, it can
> be found at /var/www/sitenotice on wolfsbane and via
> http://toolserver.org/sitenotice. For normal the file would be empty  
> or
> contains only a empty div-container. If the roots know about a  
> planed downtime
> or an important change, they would insert a short text in the file  
> and our
> toolusers would be informed.

I would like only simple text, it's more flexible: on TS we've several  
kinds of tools, and not all of them output HTML.

> Please comment at the toolserver-mailinglist and tell me/us if you  
> would
> implement the sitenotice in your tools.

I've implemented this in my tools (e.g. http://toolserver.org/~pietrodn/intersectContribs.php) 
, here is the simple code I wrote down (in case it could be useful to  

function print_globalnotice()
     $text = file_get_contents('/var/www/sitenotice');
     if($text != '')
         echo '<div id="globalnotice">' . $text . '</div>';

And the CSS:

#globalnotice {
     border: 1px solid silver;
     background: lightyellow;
     padding: 3px;

"I'm Outlaw Pete,
I'm Outlaw Pete,
Can you hear me?"
powerpdn at gmail.com

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