[Toolserver-l] Toolserver paid accounts

Bryan Tong Minh bryan.tongminh at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 08:38:34 UTC 2009

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 3:24 AM, River Tarnell
<river at loreley.flyingparchment.org.uk> wrote:
> this works as follows:  basic Toolserver accounts remain free.  however, the
> functionality of these accounts will be limited; free users cannot use more
> than 64MB RAM, or 256MB of disk space, and cannot use more than 1 CPU-hour of
> CPU time per day.  (this means CPU use is limited to, for example, 1 process
> using 100% of a single CPU for 1 hour, per day.)  we will allow disallow some
> additional features for free accounts: cron; screen; email forwarding;
> phpMyAdmin and Subversion hosting.  web hosting will still be available.
A few years ago the possibility of running a counterstrike server on
the toolserver was discussed. However, since then no further action
has been taken. Please explain what the additional costs involved with
that are.


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