[Toolserver-l] new login server

Daniel Kinzler daniel at brightbyte.de
Sat Jun 21 19:19:41 UTC 2008

Christian Thiele schrieb:
> Warning: 
> file(http://hemlock/~daniel/WikiSense/WikiProxy.php?wiki=dewiki&title=Wolfgang_Anzengruber&rev=47419310): 
> failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
> Aber schon in Lynx lässt sich das nachvollziehen:
> Alert! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
> Einfach login auf nightshade, Lynx starten und Adresse aufrufen...

Ohh.... I see... I tested with wget, and it worked. I tested with lynx, an I 
also got a 403. Puzzeled me a bit, but then I found out that lynx (and PHP) use 
IPv6, and I had only whitelisted the IPv4 address :)

It should work now.


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