[Toolserver-l] new login server

Mohd Tarmizi tarmiziaffandi at gmail.com
Thu Jun 19 13:57:53 UTC 2008

If I understand correctly, the new server does not allow using httpd
for serving files through the web. If that's the case, what will
happen to the tools which use HTTP to interface with users (e.g.
editcounter and such)?

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 1:41 AM, River Tarnell <river at wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> hello,
> the new login server (nightshade.toolserver.org) is now ready for use.  this
> server is for everything except web serving.  all your bots, tools, etc. must
> now be run here.
> the login alias 'login.toolserver.org' will be updated shortly.  this might
> cause host keys warnings from your SSH client.  the fingerprints of the new
> server are:
> RSA: 81:64:c8:f8:29:d1:ed:d7:b5:96:7a:5c:fa:d3:f5:61
> DSA: e2:4a:07:58:36:ec:9c:0a:73:b4:f8:49:8f:ff:1a:d0
> /home is shared between both servers, so there is no need to copy any files
> over.  http://toolserver.org/ URLs still point to hemlock.
> if you find any problems with the new server, please file a bug at
> <https://jira.toolserver.org> in the Toolserver project.
> after 1 week from today (June 19), we will start killing all tools which run on
> hemlock.
>        - river.
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (SunOS)
> iEYEARECAAYFAkhZnT0ACgkQIXd7fCuc5vL/XQCgsnEhOZ8xpvz4FxDi7ORAeSi/
> iHUAoJfi1svrS9XnXz94Fb7SIS0NtRmj
> =YQmA
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