[Toolserver-l] Solution to allow SSH connexion accros http proxy

Carl Beckhorn cbeckhorn at fastmail.fm
Wed Jul 9 14:13:46 UTC 2008

On Tue, Jul 08, 2008 at 04:27:10PM +0200, bayo wrote:
> I need to manage my toolserver account, but i dont have Internet at my 
> house. I talk a long time with the admin at my work, but SSH is 
> restricted. I only can use 80 and 443 accros a proxy.

Since toolserver won't run ssh on port 443, and you need ssh on port 
443, the easiest solution is to run ssh on port 443 on a computer you 

You can rent a cheap virtual shared server for $20 or less per month. 
The resources required for ssh are very minimal, so the cheapest plan 
will be sufficient.  Install ssh on that server, make it listen on 
port 443, and you're done. 

If you don't want to spend the money to rent a server, and have a friend 
with internet access, you might be able to convince them to make their 
ssh server listen on port 443, and give you shell access on their 

As a final option, perhaps you can find a public library that has 
computers on which you can run a java ssh client, and carry your 
private key on a usb drive.

 - Carl 

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