[Toolserver-l] Hemlock TCP settings change

Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell at gmail.com
Sun Jan 6 21:52:05 UTC 2008

Following a discussion with Mark, I made some TCP settings changes to
hemlock to use the Wikimedia standard linux network stack tunings.  I
do not expect any negative impact from this.

I also enabled TCP ECN
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Explicit_Congestion_Notification), which
is now also enabled on a number of other non-critical wikimedia
services.  Just like our use of IPv6 can cause problems for broken
clients, the same risk exists for TCP ECN. A number of fairly high
profile sites (such as kernel.org) have run TCP ECN, so I also do not
expect any problems from this change.

If you find anyone who is suddenly unable to connect to toolserver and
is also unable to connect to http://vger.kernel.org/ecn-on.html, then
they may need to fix their firewall. I'd love to hear about any such
cases. Thanks.

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