[Toolserver-l] Windows toolserver

Dan Collins en.wp.st47 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 03:29:31 UTC 2008

On Feb 5, 2008 1:43 PM, River Tarnell <river at wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> if a toolserver running Windows were available, would anyone use it?
> are there people not using the toolserver (or not as much as they'd
> like) because they are unwilling to learn Unix?
> any other comments?  (please, avoid comments about why we
> should/shouldn't use Windows.)
>      - river.
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
> iD8DBQFHqK5dIXd7fCuc5vIRAkM3AJ9dZuvuX7ptOZCMlg/d/Ri2HVybdwCghhLM
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> =JrB+
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I personally would not. Implementation of Perl on Windows leaves much to be
desired, and I'm too lazy to learn a 'real' programming language.

That aside, I don't know how useful a Windows server would be since users
wouldn't be able to use any sort of GUI - am I right? For example, this
rules AWB out. Is there enough support in Windows to actually work on bots
on it, or would the lack of GUI (which is probably the reason windows users
don't like the toolserver as it is, its arcane command line) be

Also, don't we have something against running closed source software for
this sort of thing? That was always the reason we use MySQL rather than
oracle or something else (not that I know enough to say that it was a bad
decision) so is a Windows server fitting with that?

Oh, and I reserve the right to be totally wrong in all of this, it's 10:30
at night and I need sleep.

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