[Toolserver-l] perl module HTML::Template

Ian Kluft ikluft at thunder.sbay.org
Thu Dec 18 02:12:12 UTC 2008

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 05:24:29PM -0600, Q wrote:
> seth wrote:
> > Could you please install the perl-module
> >    HTML::Template
> > or tell me, how I install it by myself, if I'm allowed to.
> > 
> > I guess it is not installed, because
> > http://toolserver.org/~seth/grep_regexp_from_url_new.cgi
> > says: "Can't locate HTML/Template.pm [...]"
> https://wiki.toolserver.org/view/Installing_perl_modules_into_your_$HOME

Some people may run into a problem - /etc/perl/CPAN/Config.pm only exists
on hemlock (www.toolserver.org) but not on login.toolserver.org.

I always make a CPAN wrapper script when I set up on a new server.
(And I'm new on the Toolserver so I just did this.)  With this question
coming up, I cleaned up the script so it can help others in this case.
Other users and the Toolserver admins are welcome to use it if they like...

So you just save that script as "my-cpan" and run it instead of "cpan".
It will set up your per-user CPAN environment if you haven't already
done so.  See the note in the script comments for setting $PERL5LIB and
"use lib" for running scripts with your per-user CPAN environment.

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