[Toolserver-l] account confirmation

Pietrodn powerpdn at gmail.com
Mon Dec 15 13:07:19 UTC 2008

Il giorno 15/dic/08, alle ore 13:51, Jan Luca ha scritto:

> Hello,
> I don't on the list. I have got my account at 11.12.2008 with the name
> "jan".
> Jan Luca
> Toolserver: jan

You shouldn't write on the mailing list; instead, follow River's  

> hi,
> the next expiration date for toolserver accounts is 23rd December,  
> 2008.  if
> you want to keep your account past this date, you should send a mail  
> to
> river at loreley.flyingparchment.org.uk, with "toolserver expiration"  
> in the
> subject, and your account name in the body of the mail.
> if you do not follow these instructions (for example, you send your  
> request to
> the mailing list instead of the address above), your request will be  
> ignored,
> and your account will expire.


powerpdn at gmail.com

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