[Toolserver-l] Account-Expire-Date is soon

Delphine Ménard notafishz at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 08:01:36 UTC 2007


I got an error message.

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

    ts-not-expire at daniel.baur4.info

Technical details of permanent failure:
PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 13): 550 5.1.1
<ts-not-expire at daniel.baur4.info>: Recipient address rejected: User
unknown in virtual alias table


What next?


On Nov 18, 2007 11:59 PM, DaB. <WP at daniel.baur4.info> wrote:
> Hello all,
> all active accounts will expire at 7th December. If you are still interrested
> in your account, please send a eMail to ts-not-expire at daniel.baur4.info; NOT
> to this mailinglist! (if you send it to here, you will lost your account
> instantly ;)). Please name your accountname in this email. If you like, you
> can send the poll (see below) with it - but that is optional.
> I will send a list of non-confirmed accounts every monday.
> So if you have a moment, please fill in this little poll. Of corse your data
> will only used in anonymous form.
> Sincerly,
> DaB.
> *I'm
> [ ] younger than 18
> [ ] between 18 and 25
> [ ] between 25 and 35
> [ ] older than 34
> *I'm
> [ ] female
> [ ] male
> *I live in
> (please put country-name here)
> * I use my account for
> (more then one "x" possible)
> [ ] running a bot
> [ ] make statistics
> [ ] doing research
> [ ] helping conduct commons
> [ ] other
> * I can programm in
> (more then one "x" possible)
> [ ] php
> [ ] perl
> [ ] python
> [ ] c (or c++ or c#)
> [ ] java
> [ ] bash
> [ ] html
> [ ] javascript
> *I use
> (for my tools)
> (more then one "x" possible)
> [ ] subversion
> [ ] jira
> [ ] fisheye
> [ ] mysql
> *I work mainly in
> [ ] wikipedia
> [ ] wiktionary
> [ ] wikinews
> [ ] wikisource
> [ ] wikiquote
> [ ] wikiversity
> [ ] commons
> #END
> --
> Diese eMail sollte mit dem PGP-Schlüssel 0x2D3EE2D42B255885 digital signiert
> sein. Bitte beachten Sie, das unsignierte eMails beliebig gefälscht sein
> können. Achten Sie daher auf Signaturen.
> --
> wp-blog.de
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> Toolserver-l mailing list
> Toolserver-l at lists.wikimedia.org
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Tout email personnel envoyé à cette adresse sera perdu. Merci
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