[Toolserver-l] excessively long query notifications

River Tarnell river at wikimedia.org
Tue May 29 05:00:02 UTC 2007


if you run a MySQL query which takes longer than 600 seconds (10
minutes) to execute, you will now receive a warning message
("long-running query notification").  this message will be written to
your terminal, or if you aren't logged in, mailed to you.

if you receive one of these notifications, please consider fixing the
query, since it's using a lot of resources.

if the query can't be made any faster, you can suppress the
notification by writing /* SLOW_OK */ somewhere in the query, e.g.:

	SELECT /* SLOW_OK */ COUNT(*) from page;

but this won't work with the command-line MySQL client, because it
strips comments before executing the query.

	- river.
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