[Toolserver-l] Troubles with reading Articles

Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell at gmail.com
Thu Mar 23 14:36:07 UTC 2006

On 3/23/06, Christian Thiele <APPER at apper.de> wrote:
> the best thing is, if everyone uses the script itself... I don't know in
> which language it is written, but access should be possible from every
> other language, maybe it could be published as a php class to access the
> database...
> Remember: please publish all your code under a free licence and make it
> accessible for everyone ;).

A PHP class would be a long way away from useful to everyone. :)

This is easy enough to code anyways, but please don't assume all
toolserver users are willing to use PHP.

(If we ever get real text access back, I've implimented python code to
deal with the quasi-propritary php compression used for article
text... same dance would apply for all other non php languages)

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