[Textbook-l] News about PDF generation

Robert Arustamyan robert at blogpaper.com
Fri Jun 13 11:16:46 UTC 2008


We've released new version of our wikibooks pdf generating tool. Now it 
is named wikitype and has moved to http://dash-of-pepper.com/wikitype

New features:
-- posibility to choose chapters
-- gfdl license at the end of each book
-- direct links to generate books like 

If noone minds we can attach some well-formatted PDFs, like Knowing 
Knoppix ( 
http://dash-of-pepper.com/wikitype/pdf-of-the-day/Knowing_Knoppix.pdf ), 
to wikibooks.org books and we would be glad if the authors do the same.

Looking forward to receive your feedbacks and comments.



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