[Textbook-l] RE: vandals, signin, linearity

Karl Wick karlwick at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 30 15:28:27 UTC 2003

If the main reason to have a required sign-in for page
editing is to fight against vandals, is there another
solution that would have the same benefits without the
drawbacks ? The idea springs to mind to have a quick
administrative function to revert to earlier page versions.
It sounds like currently it is a hassle to revert
vandalized pages. Is this true ? Would it be possible and
reasonable to develop a one-click page revert function for
admins ?
I like the idea of making every textbook compilable into
one printable document. Would it be feasible to add the
feature to change the default order of book sections ? In
my organic chemistry books the total content covered is the
same but the order in which it is presented is not, and
some professors and students prefer one order to another.

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