[Textbook-l] linearity

Daniel Ehrenberg littledanehren at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 28 14:25:50 UTC 2003

--- Magnus Manske <magnus.manske at web.de> wrote:
> I think one important point of the textbook project
> is that we can 
> actually *print* it as a textbook. That doesn't mean
> it should not take 
> advantage of the dead-easy wiki hyperlinks, just
> that there should be a 
> way to run a script and get a PDF, RTF, or
> something, that actually 
> handles like a book.
> One way would be for each page containing a link
> with a defined name, 
> like [[The next topic|>>>]] (or just "next" or
> "forward" instead of 
> ">>>"). A script could run through that easily, as
> could a reader who 
> prefers linearity over mini-webs.
> Magnus

I'm not the programmer, but should it really be a link
to a regular wiki page? I think it would be more
appropriate if it linked to something like
[[Special:Next]] or {{NEXTPAGE}}. It would also be
convienient for that to appear at the bottom of the
screen automatically, but that would take some coding.

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