[Textbook-l] Re: Textbooks

Toby Bartels toby+wikipedia at math.ucr.edu
Fri Jun 27 02:43:36 UTC 2003

Tomasz Wegrzanowski wrote:

>"reasonable creationist" sounds oxymoron to me.
>Could we please stop being US-centric ? There aren't any creationists
>anywhere else in the world, and those in US seems more like some kind of
>cult than something that has anything to do with science.

There aren't any creationists in Latin America and the Middle East?
I'd have to disagree with you there, Tomasz.
Certainly almost all of the creationists in the /West/ are in the US;
there are very few in Europe and the British Commonwealth.
But to claim that there are no others in the /world/
strikes me as rather, well, Eurocentric.

-- Toby

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