[Textbook-l] Some concept ideas

Jimmy Wales jwales at bomis.com
Thu Jun 26 23:19:50 UTC 2003

Magnus Manske wrote:
> The smaller pool of authors is the very reason I'd prefer logged-in 
> edits only, as less "real" authors means shifting the author:vandal 
> ratio in favor of the vandals.

Well, you do have a very good point there.  A very good point indeed.

> On the other hand, keeping anonymous edits might be good as well, as 
> vandals then wouldn't log in, and *potential* (!) vandalism could be 
> rather easily on Recent Changes by the very fact that it's an anonymous 
> edit (most "real" authors are probably logged in).

Well, maybe we could try it this way, allowing anonymous edits, but be
prepared to make a switch if it seems like trouble.  Making the switch
is easy software-wise, and won't be controversial if we all agree in
advance that it's possible that it would be useful.

> So far, in Germany the state paid for all the books in school. Just 
> today, it was announced that due to Germany's financial sorta crisis, 
> the parents will have to pay for the books in the future.
> Too bad there's no free source for such books...

Very interesting, is this at all levels of school?

In public schools in the U.S. up through high school, books are
generally provided.  In all states?  In most states?  I don't know for

In universities, books are not provided, and are unreasonably


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