[Textbook-l] textbook versioning

Karl Wick karlwick at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 24 16:46:39 UTC 2003

Hey LDan,

Thanks for your comments.

I agree completely that we will need some kind of mechanism
to make a static version of a textbook for it to be used in
a classroom setting. 

An early brainstorm that I had was to make a special
service for this purpose, where an individual teacher could
take a "public" version of a wiki textbook and make it into
a limited-editability version for their class. So for that
subset of the information, anyone else could see and copy
the text materials but to modify it would have to set it up
in a different spot. Thats one way I imagined that we could
give a bit of stability to the prof ... my dad is an
educator so I know how much teachers and schools demand
control over their materials, especially in the k-12.

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