[Textbook-l] ideas

Karl Wick karlwick at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 24 15:02:22 UTC 2003

On the English mailing list it was suggested that we would
be developing static textbooks from dynamic Wikipedia
resources. I'd like to talk about that because I dont think
that is how it will be ... 

I see the textbooks growing the same way WP grows .. first
to get the basic information in there and then to modify
that information to make it easier to understand and to
include the changes and advancements in each field. Then,
multiple textbooks could arise on one subject but with
different goals or target audiences.

The textbooks will be able to use some WP material but
probably in modified form to suit the different goals. Plus
the textbooks will need lots of original material that was
not at home in the encyclopedia format and/or has not yet
been developed.

A couple of goals:

I think that we will see our first adoption by students who
are looking for quick free information. In time, my hope is
that we will have materials so good that they will be used
officially in schools to accompany and then replace
traditional textbook materials. 

This site should be the center on the WWW for collaborative
textbook development. I have seen some scattered efforts to
do free textbooks out there but none (but --April's) using
a wiki. I think if we give them a place and make it
friendly that people will use it and our site will grow to
be the standard setter. So lets make it friendly to
teachers and other people who can be power contributers.

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