[Textbook-l] linearity (Was: vandals, signin, linearity)

Toby Bartels toby+wikipedia at math.ucr.edu
Tue Jul 1 15:08:16 UTC 2003

Karl Wick wrote in part:

>I like the idea of making every textbook compilable into
>one printable document. Would it be feasible to add the
>feature to change the default order of book sections ? In
>my organic chemistry books the total content covered is the
>same but the order in which it is presented is not, and
>some professors and students prefer one order to another.

Given what mav said yesterday about different books using the same modules,
we could have several different OChem books (or courses? sequences?)
that reuse the same OChem (or maybe just Chem) modules in different orders.
You can present various options for a final linear order,
and of course anybody could create their own out of the existing modules,
perhaps using the previously presented options as a guide.

-- Toby

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