[Textbook-l] wikiversity licensing

Wouter Vanden Hove wouter.vanden.hove at pandora.be
Sat Aug 23 20:28:42 UTC 2003

Op za 23-08-2003, om 15:02 schreef Toby Bartels:
> I really don't know anything about CC's Lawrence Lessig.
> Given the internecine political battles between "free" and "open",
> does anybody know how RMS and Lessig feel about each other?

The difference between free software and open source
is that open source emphasizes the access to source code, and not the
rights you are given in the license.

This is what Raymond writes in the OSI Faq:
"Are you guys opposed to intellectual property rights?"
"The Open Source Initiative does not have a position on whether ideas
can be owned, whether patents are good or bad, or any of the related
controversies. We think the economic self-interest arguments for open
source are strong enough that nobody needs to go on any moral crusades
about it."

So Lessig and Stallman are on the same side of this, emphasizing users
rights when they buy copyrighted works.

> I know that Lessig wrote the foreword to RMS's collected essays;
> but OTOH, Lessig says "open" rather than "free" now.

His best speech is called "Free Culture", his upcoming book has the same
title.  http://randomfoo.net/oscon/2002/lessig/

Wouter Vanden Hove

PS: Whoops, I've got two "Open"s in my urls. :) 

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