[teampractices] WMF Scrummaster meetup - 27 September, 2pm PDT

Arthur Richards arichards at wikimedia.org
Mon Sep 23 22:09:29 UTC 2013

The next fortnightly WMF scrummaster meetup will be held this Friday, 27
September, at 2pm PDT in R37. I've circulated calendar invites to folks
who've been involved in the past and added the event to the WMF Engineering
calendar. If you'd like to attend and want a calendar invite, please let me
know off-list.

The purpose of the meetup is for scrummasters/scrummaster-like folks/agile
curious folks to come hangout and discuss practices/challenges/etc, and
generally provide one another space for dedicated support. The agenda for
the meetup will be brainstormed on
http://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/ScrummasterMeetup-2013-09-27 and we'll vote
at the beginning of the meetup to decide on and prioritize topics for

Arthur Richards
Software Engineer, Mobile
IRC: awjr
+1-415-839-6885 x6687
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