[RCom-l] Important: Poll for support of subject recruitment for "Anonymity and conformity [...]" study

WereSpielChequers werespielchequers at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 20:41:57 UTC 2011

Sorry but I'm at the gate in Heathrow and won't have time to get involved
in this for another week.


On 16 November 2011 20:30, Aaron Halfaker <aaron.halfaker at gmail.com> wrote:

> I was hoping to close this poll hours ago, but we only have three members
> of RCom participating (thanks Yaroslav and Steven!).
> It is absolutely crucial that if we end up technically approving this
> study methodology that such approval actually reflects the consensus of
> RCom members.
> For your benefit, I'll summarize the proposed plan:
> A request to participate in a *survey* about enforcing conformance with
> community/group outcomes *needs 200-300 responses* from general Wikipedia
> editors.  Invitations to take the survey will be posted an editors'
> User_talk pages.  *A pilot set of 15 requests will be posted immediately*following approval from RCom to test for problems and determine the
> expected response rate.  Afterwards, *up to 500 User_talk postings* will
> be made (depending on response rate) to illicit enough responses to give
> statistical confidence.
> This is the first proposed project of this scale that we are reviewing for
> approval so I really want to make sure we are doing it right.
> -Aaron
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 8:49 AM, Aaron Halfaker <aaron.halfaker at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hey folks,
>> This proposal is an important milestone for our subject recruitment
>> processes, since it represents the first mass recruitment request (200-300
>> responses needed).  I'm hoping to either show a high level of support with
>> this poll or discover what problems still need to be dealt with.
>> I'd like to close the poll by *Wednesday @ noon UTC*.  Please make sure
>> to chime in.
>> See poll:
>> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research_talk:Anonymity_and_conformity_over_the_net#Poll:_RCom_support_for_this_project
>> -Aaron
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