[QA] Switching dockerfiles' run.sh to Python?

Tyler Cipriani tcipriani at wikimedia.org
Tue Oct 16 20:21:51 UTC 2018

On 18-10-15 12:57:53, Kunal Mehta wrote:
>The run.sh entrypoints we have for CI dockerfiles are starting to get
>more and more complex, and generally I feel uncomfortable working with
>bash/shell scripting so much. You always have to add the right "set
>-abcd" command first, etc.
>What would people think about transitioning those to use Python or some
>other real scripting language? We'd need to add python3 to the base
>image, but I think a slightly larger image size is worth the increased
>developer happiness and sanity.

I looked at all the run.sh scripts from that repo for the first time in 
a while today. I think that many of the run.sh scripts would become more 
complicated by porting to python -- mediawiki-phan-seccheck being an 

Why is mediawiki-phan-seccheck fiddling with json?

I'm ignorant about what that test is doing.

Ideally, I think, the run.sh scripts would be for checking out code, 
kicking off testrunners, and collecting logs which seems like bash 
handles OK (rule of least power).

Are you thinking of other bash scripts that look complicated besides 
mediawiki-phan-seccheck? Any sane way to move the logic for 
mediawiki-phan-seccheck to a repo or a testrunner (like quibble)?

Thanks for starting this thread.

-- Tyler
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