[QA] Ownership of Selenium tests

Željko Filipin zfilipin at wikimedia.org
Tue May 3 16:08:57 UTC 2016


I plan to send a version of this e-mail to engineering and wikitech lists,
but I would like to get some feedback from a smaller and friendlier group
first. :)

I have copy/pasted the text of the e-mail message to etherpad[0] so feel
free to leave comments there, if you prefer so.




TLDR: If you care about Selenium tests that run daily[1], please take
ownership of repository (or repositories) that you care about.

Our Selenium tests provide useful feedback, finding problems in several
places, when there is something wrong with:

#1 the repository they are testing (broken production or test code),
#2 beta and/or production clusters,
#3  continuous integration.

It is really important that all tests that run daily are green all the
time. I have started cleaning up tests[2-3].

If there is a failure, we have to investigate and fix it as soon as
possible, ideally in one business day. To be able to do that, we need
contact information for each repository. I have started collecting
information[3] from various sources.

What does taking ownership mean? Your e-mail address will be added to
Jenkins job repository configuration[4] and you will receive one e-mail a
day per repository and job, but only if there are any failed jobs. In
short, if you are an owner of one repository with one job, you will receive
0-2 e-mails a day, depending on the stability of the job.

I do not care if the contact e-mail address is a person or a team. All I
need is a reply if I send an e-mail message to that address, without having
to be a member of a lot of mailing lists.

I am completely fine with being the contact person for all repositories,
but since I do have limited time to spend on this, it means that I will
mostly be disabling broken tests/jobs, and focusing on fixing problems
related to continuous integration, not problems related to broken
production or test code.

Questions? Comments? Please do let me know.

0: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/T128190
1: https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/view/Selenium/
2: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T94150
3: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T128190
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