[QA] Jenkins API and Zuul Gearman

Antoine Musso hashar+wmf at free.fr
Fri Sep 4 10:19:48 UTC 2015


This is a mail I sent a month or so ago to the Release Engineering
internal mailing list.  Kunal Mehta pointed out it is worth publishing
for later reference.

The topic are:
* Accessing the Jenkins API
* Trigger a job via the API
* Zuul gearman protocol  (Zuul triggers jobs in Jenkins via Gearman)
* Fetching a patch from Zuul merger

== Access Jenkins API ==

Jenkins has a REST API with entry points for almost everything you might

The base URL is https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/

To interact you will need some credentials that grants you appropriate
rights such as triggering a build.

For Zuul I created a user local to Jenkins 'zuul-bot':

You might want to create one in wikitech instead so it ends up being
registered in labs LDAP.

To get your user API key head to:


Click the [Show API Token...] button and you will be enlightened with an
API key

Then set rights for that user:
* left bar [Manage Jenkins]
* [Configure Global Security]

There is an "Authorization" section. Add your user to the list with the
input box at the bottom then check the same boxes as the 'zuul-bot' user.

To create new jobs you can use JJB. The tutorial is at:

Or create a new job via the Jenkins web GUI [New Item]. Rest of team can
assist there.

== Trigger a job via Jenkins API ==

Once job is created, the footer has a link [REST API] which describe
what can be done with the job.


You will want to build with parameters by POSTING a form data to:

Jenkins will send you back a Location: pointing to the representation of
the build in Jenkins running queue.  You might want to poll that item to
get its status, and once it is executed you will get the job build number.

That is a bit problematic though.  When Zuul used the Jenkins API, they
would generate a UUID passed as a job parameter

The build request is inserted in a queue, and until it is processed no
build number is assigned to it.  You will need it to retrieve the build
status and result

I found out all of that fairly recently while reviewing a change in
python-jenkins, see my comment on:


When Zuul used the Jenkins API, it had an HTTP end point to receive
notifications from Jenkins and each Jenkins job emitted a notification
at start and end of job with the build status.
Turns out the plugin as some NPE and it is no more used by Zuul so I got
rid of it: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T93321

python-jenkins has some documentation:

== Here comes Gearman ==

Nowadays there is a Gearman server between Zuul and Jenkins that is
spawned by Zuul.  When Jenkins starts, all its jobs are registered as
Gearman functions and Zuul simply ask the function to be executed
passing it a bunch of parameters such as the GIT repo, ref, commit sha1 etc.

Maybe harbormaster can trigger jobs directly via Gearman ?  The protocol
is fairly simple and other TCP. It has a few pure PHP implementations:


And a couple native extensions:

The Zuul Gearman protocol is described on:


So in short trigger a Gearman function:


I am not sure how the Zuul scheduler will handle functions being
triggered by another process. Might have some side effects that confuse

== To conclude ==

Zuul pass the git repo url / sha1 / ref to fetch to the Jenkins job as
parameter. You can then use git to retrieve the patch with something
that looks like:

 git fetch $ZUUL_REF

That is more or less explained at

Run tests!

Antoine Musso

RelEng mailing list
RelEng at lists.wikimedia.org

Antoine "hashar" Musso

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