[QA] MobileFrontend QA job

Greg Grossmeier greg at wikimedia.org
Wed Mar 25 20:37:31 UTC 2015

<quote name="Jon Robson" date="2015-03-25" time="12:48:03 -0700">
> MobileFrontend Builds [1] 536-592 have failed. That's a lot.
> Does anyone care about this job?

I'll assume this question is meant for the mobile-l list :)

> Should we disassemble it into smaller jobs just like we did with smoke
> tests [2]?
> That said even our smaller smoke test job has been problematic (Chris
> mentioned an issue with the latest chrome driver but that was a month ago
> and I don't know where the bug for this is).
> These browser tests are useless if no one is watching them and/or they are
> spinning out false positives and I can't be the only one to complain when
> these tests break. This should be a shared responsibility.


One of our on-going goals is to diffuse the responsibility for browser
test maint to the teams who's code they test.

Does the mobile team have the browser test pass/failure announcements
sent to it's IRC channel now?


| Greg Grossmeier            GPG: B2FA 27B1 F7EB D327 6B8E |
| identi.ca: @greg                A18D 1138 8E47 FAC8 1C7D |

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