[QA] Reg::Setting up GIT review on Windows

jagori samajdar jagori79 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 15 09:32:17 UTC 2014

Hi Zeljkof,

I have been trying hard to set up my system(Windows 7).Managed to get few
things up, but still some things are pending.

Things completed:

1. Created a new file preferences.feature on RubyMine which combines all
the files as provided in #62636

2. Have tried to retain the coding format being used in other files.Also
followed through the guidelines as mentioned by you in

Hoping I have followed it correctly.

3. Generated ssh keys and set that up in Gerrit. Followed the guidelines at

4. Installed git-review (by installing pip )

Tasks pending:

1. Unable to set up git-review

   (Setting up git review) [
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Gerrit/git-review](shows same error as I
pasted on etherpad yesterday).

2. Unable to add ssh key to use with git [

3. When I run ssh from GIT bash

$ ssh <USERNAME>@gerrit.wikimedia.org -p 29418

it shows me the below error :Permission denied(public key)

I checked the suggestions on
https://help.github.com/articles/error-permission-denied-public key and all
seems to work fine.

       Typing ssh-add -l on git bash shows me the key also

    4. Checked with my github account by setting up the ssh
 key,it works fine there but not working for gerrit..:(

   Also,another thing my github account's username is different than the
one I have generated for ssh key on Git bash.I hope it won't matter.

I am able to ssh to github though.I am quite confused now with all the
three Git,Git hub and gerrit:)

If you could help me a bit on the pending things.

And yes,the preferences file that I created shows in brown color,not able
to figure out why.

Thanks & Regards,

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