[QA] login bug causing widespread test failures on beta (and some on test2)

Antoine Musso hashar+wmf at free.fr
Wed Mar 5 22:44:34 UTC 2014

Le 05/03/2014 22:37, Chris McMahon a écrit :
> Every once in a while we get one of these "cross-cutting" problems.
>  Login is one, search is another, where when something goes wrong, tests
> fail across multiple repos. 
> We encountered one of these issues for Login beginning yesterday, and it
> is not resolved as of now.  Sorry for the failures, but I'd rather have
> them right now than kill all of the builds. 

Apparently the central auth cookies are not being served to the client
browser: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/62244

Chris Steipp suspects the Cookies are eaten by the Varnish text cache. I
talked a bit with him and gave him some basic commands to look at the
varnish real time logs.

Gotta find centralauth_User cookie!

Antoine "hashar" Musso

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