[QA] Where to run browser tests for multiple languages for Screenshots?

Antoine Musso hashar+wmf at free.fr
Wed Jun 18 12:00:06 UTC 2014

Le 12/06/2014 05:25, Vikas Yaligar a écrit :
> As a part of my GSOC project[1], I have to run Visual browser tests(with
> @language_screenshot tags) for multiple languages(currently for testing
> purpose I am running it on English,German and Hebrew beta labs). But
> there are very few beta labs of different languages to run the browsers
> tests on. Amir suggested me to 3 possibilities: 
> * Creating new beta labs for different languages.
> * Running it in real Wikipedias.
> * [Needs confirmation]Hashar had found a way where wikis are created in
> necessary language and with necessary extensions for a scenario or
> particular type of browser tests. 
> I would be happy to know if there is any other way to do this. Also
> which one of above possibilities is best to do.  


We only have a few wikis on the beta cluster because it is not strong
enough to support the roughly 900 wikis WMF has in production.

There are some scripts around to setup a local MediaWiki install with a
few extensions but it far from being usable at that point.

I guess the scenario you are writing are going to browse the wiki and
take screenshots while not making any writes.  In this case you can most
probably target the production wiki.

Have you thought of using the enwiki on beta and setting a different
language ?  Appending &uselang=<some language code> might achieve the
desired result.

Antoine "hashar" Musso

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