[QA] Reg::Timeout error for Visual Editor test page

jagori samajdar jagori79 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 16 02:55:33 UTC 2014


I am getting timeout errors when I run the links.feature /
general_markup.feature or the files where the Visual Editor test page gets
created on the fly.
I couldn't see the Visual editor toolbar when the tests were being run and
probably that was the reason for the timeouts on certain elements.

I am pasting the error which am getting while running the tests:

*@chrome @en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org
<http://en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org> @firefox @login @test2.wikipedia.org
*Feature: VisualEditor Links*

*  Background:*
*            # features\links.feature:4*
*    Given I go to the "Links VisualEditor Test" page with content "Links
*ditor Test" # features/step_definitions/shared_steps.rb:13*
*    And I click in the editable part*
*            # features/step_definitions/shared_steps.rb:19*
*      timed out after 5 seconds, waiting for {:class=>"ve-ce-branchNode",
*ame=>"div"} to become present (Watir::Wait::TimeoutError)*
*      ./features/step_definitions/shared_steps.rb:20:in `/^I click in the
*le part$/'*
*      features\links.feature:6:in `And I click in the editable part'*

I hope I am not doing anything wrong.I had checked out the latest code also
just to ensure.

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