[QA] Pair programming Session details(16th July)

jagori samajdar jagori79 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 16 11:38:27 UTC 2014

*Pairing session details-16th July,2014*

   - Learnt how to read error messages and locating problem areas for
   failing browser tests running on local machine.

   - Learnt about string interpolation and string concatenation.Using
   String concatenation,you cannot convert nil value to String while
   interpolation does the other way round.It's better to use interpolation
   than concatenation for strings.More details can be found

   - Learnt how to ignore files you don't want git to commit.For that we
   can create a local .gitignore or global .gitignore. Create a file
   .gitignore_global in home directory ,paste rules from
       *                                                            Finally
   execute:* git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global*

   - Learnt how to commit code using Github for Windows application.Till
   now I had been using more of command line,but I can see now how better this
   application is in terms of checking code differences etc.I intend to use
   more of this application going forward.

Hope this covers everything.

Thanks Zeljko for today's session .

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