[QA] Failing MobileFrontend browser tests

Željko Filipin zfilipin at wikimedia.org
Fri Jul 11 17:12:33 UTC 2014

On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 12:57 AM, Juliusz Gonera <jgonera at wikimedia.org>

> https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/view/BrowserTests/job/browsertests-MobileFrontend-en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org-linux-chrome-sauce/lastBuild/testReport/junit/%28root%29/Wikitext%20Editor%20%28TEST%20RUN%20ON%20WIKIPEDIA%20SO%20SHOULD%20NOT%20CAUSE%20SAVES%29/Opening_editor/
> Editor doesn't seem to load, possible causes: beta labs API error, or
> problem with connection between saucelabs and beta labs

My guess is that you are talking about this failure[1]. Looking at the
Sauce Labs screencast, it looks to me that labs was just slow to respond
and the test failed after 5 seconds with pretty descriptive error
message[2]. It is hard for me to say why labs is slow. As Antoine has
suggested, looking at logs for that date/time could help.

If that happens a lot, a short workaround would be to make the test wait
for 10 seconds instead of 5.

2: timed out after 5 seconds, waiting for {:css=>".wikitext-editor",
:tag_name=>"textarea"} to become present (Watir::Wait::TimeoutError)
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