[QA] Run UploadWizard API integration test against production...

Gergo Tisza gtisza at wikimedia.org
Wed Jan 29 18:21:27 UTC 2014

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 5:40 AM, Željko Filipin <zfilipin at wikimedia.org>wrote:

> I have additionally set up UploadWizard-commons.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.orgjobs to run both after every commit to UploadWizard and every six hours,
> just in case something else breaks file upload.

Could we run them after every core commit instead? UploadWizard is the main
consumer for the APIs this test targets, but they are actually part of core.
(The six hours thing is a good idea, some other extension could still add a
hook which breaks uploads.)

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