[QA] Browser tests for VisualEditor accessed via the Mobile interface

James Forrester jforrester at wikimedia.org
Fri Jan 17 02:09:49 UTC 2014

On 17 January 2014 04:38, Jeff Hall <jhall at wikimedia.org> wrote:

>  During this morning's VisualEditor team meeting, James Forrester
> mentioned that we should start developing browser tests for VisualEditor
> accessed via the Mobile interface (as opposed to existing browser tests for
> VE accessed via the desktop interface).
> I'm certainly happy to work on this (unless someone else is more
> appropriate to take the lead), but just to make sure it's done right, I
> have a high-level question: Should these tests live in the
> *MobileFrontend* repo, or the* VisualEditor* repo?
> I assume the former, since Mobile is the "container", but let me know if
> my assumption is wrong!

​One way of looking at it is on the blocking model. If (when!) these tests
were to block merge, which repo's changes should they be triggered by? In
this case, I think there's a case for some basic browser tests for
VE-on-Mobile to be in VisualEditor (specifically, in the MediaWiki
VisualEditor repo) with the major tests be in MobileFrontend.

Obviously there's a limit to this (or we'd just develop in only one repo),
and for some downstream users it's "their problem" to remain current with
upstream (*e.g. *MediaWiki core *vs.* extensions), but that's what I'd

James D. Forrester
Product Manager, VisualEditor
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

jforrester at wikimedia.org | @jdforrester
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