[QA] screenshots hack?

Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 08:38:02 UTC 2014

We really need a way to produce localised screenshots: any idea is 
welcome and worth attempting. At least for the simplest (static) cases, 
it seems crossbrowsertesting.com is quite handy, isn't it? See it on the 
field at https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/113957/
We might try giving accounts there to volunteers who handle translation 
of mediawiki.org help pages and want a way to easily produce a set of 
screenshots about a page in a number of languages at once. Adding a 
simple script to the offer (like <URL, filename> input -> set of files 
output, ready for mass upload) would be even better of course.


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