[QA] how to skip an expected fail test in IE, where documented

Željko Filipin zfilipin at wikimedia.org
Thu Aug 7 07:36:48 UTC 2014

On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 11:20 PM, S Page <spage at wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Great, but the main page about writing tests[4] didn't link to that!  It's
> the Web, not a disjoint set of silos. I added links back and forth, and
> updated obsolete links, and rewrote bits...

Thanks. Keeping the documentation up to date is hard.

The Coding conventions say:
> A browser-specific tag is for example @firefox or @phantomjs. These tags
>> specify which browsers can run the feature or scenario. *This convention
>> is currently not used.*
> but surely we are following that convention these days?

The last time I have checked, not all repositories were following the
convention. Things might have changed.

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