[QA] Running tests in Chrome locally?

Tomislav Plavcic tplavcic at gmail.com
Sun Jun 30 21:37:40 UTC 2013


As I understand I need to setup environment variable BROWSER_LABEL which 
directs in which browser I want to run tests locally.

In Linux I have Firefox and Chrome and tests run by default in Firefox, 
but when I set:
export BROWSER_LABEL=chrome
I get following error: Unable to pick a platform for the provided 
browser (RuntimeError)
Tried some fixes but nothing worked - maybe some ideas? or I'm doing it 
all wrong...
In Windows when I set this variable I don't get error but tests run in 
Firefox like I didn't do anything.
I set it as: set BROWSER_LABEL=chrome

Any info would be appreciated...

Thank you!

Tomislav Plavcic
Theoretically, if I cut costs enough we'll be profitable without selling any products... Dilbert

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