[QA] How MediaWiki, software that runs Wikipedia, is tested

Željko Filipin zfilipin at wikimedia.org
Tue Jun 4 15:47:14 UTC 2013


I wrote a blog post documenting a talk[1] that I gave at a few local
meetups and conferences. I plan to give a similar talk at Selenium
conference[2] next week.

I am really interested in feedback about the blog post from this group. Is
there anything that is unclear? Anything that should be added/removed/fixed?

Tomislav, you saw the talk at DORS/CLUC conference, right? Is there
anything that I should add/remove/fix? I would also appreciate comments
about my speaking skills (was I loud enough, did I manage to explain the

I plan to rehearse the talk for Selenium conference this week. Anybody
interested in helping me rehearse it via Google Hangout or Skype? It would
be a good practice for me, and you would get the chance to ask questions
and help me make a better talk.

1: http://filipin.eu/how-mediawiki-software-that-runs-wikipedia-is-tested/
2: http://www.seleniumconf.org/
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