[QA] Wrote some tests against the new search that I'm working on

Nikolas Everett neverett at wikimedia.org
Wed Jul 24 21:37:36 UTC 2013

I wrote some tests against the new search project that I've been working on
in an effort to catch my own regressions.  I've pushed them here:

If you try to run all tests against beta then we should wait to merge this
until search is deployed to beta and I figure out a good way to set up the
required test articles.  In any case, I'd love someone who knows more about
writing these tests to have a look at them and make sure what I've done it

In case you want to try running them don't be shy about picking individual
lines in the Examples sections like this:
bundle exec cucumber features/new_search.feature:25 -f pretty
it makes the runs much faster.

Oh, and another thing, not all of them pass right now because I have bugs
in my search code.  I'll fix up search in the morning so they should all

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