[QA] Documentation for onboarding QA volunteers

Željko Filipin zfilipin at wikimedia.org
Tue Jul 16 17:46:46 UTC 2013

On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 12:02 AM, Quim Gil <qgil at wikimedia.org> wrote:

> * Was it easy to find the information you were looking for?

I have heard from at least a couple of people something like: "I have read
a few QA related pages on mediawiki.org but I could not figure out how to
get started". I think we should have a QA/testing landing page that would
point people to QA mailing list, and the first step after joining the list
would be introducing yourself.

For those that would like to get started immediately, we should also
provide link to easy bugs.

What do other people think?

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