[Pywikipedia-l] SVN help

Bináris wikiposta at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 07:46:39 UTC 2011


I have just installed TortoiseSVN on my machine, and I am trying to
understand it from documentation.
I need it for
-- restoring the older versions of my misdeveloped programs (after some sad
-- making diffs/patches to upload onto SF
-- update Pywikipedia (by this time I used nightlies for this purpose)

As far as I understand, I need an own repository here for the first goal. I
thought I would synchronize my working copy (which should be the active
pywikibot) with my local repository first and then update it from Pywiki

Is this a good concept?
What will happen to the rev numbers this way? Will they confuse?
Or how do you solve this (those who develop and not only use the bot)?

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