[Pywikipedia-l] Noisy interwiki.py

Jeremy Baron jeremy at tuxmachine.com
Sat Dec 24 04:18:00 UTC 2011

On Dec 23, 2011 10:59 PM, "Tuszynski, Jaroslaw W." <
JAROSLAW.W.TUSZYNSKI at saic.com> wrote:
> Running interwiki.py in the background produces infrequent but steady
stream of beeps, which I can’t figure out how to turn off. It seems like
occasionally when program tries to display am non English character it
beeps. The beep does not respond to computer’s volume or  mute control. I
was looking for an option for less verbose output, but could not find one.
Is there any other way to control it other than disabling motherboard
> I run interwiki.py from DOS command line in Windows XP.

Have you tried redirecting stdout somewhere? e.g. `python x.py > x.out`
(does windows have a stderr?)

Also, try mucking in the DOS CLI options. (Right click the title bar)

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