[Pywikipedia-l] [Pywikipedia-svn] SVN: [6950] trunk/pywikipedia/login.py

Francesco Cosoleto cosoleto at gmail.com
Fri Jun 12 15:48:13 UTC 2009

First of all, you, Alex, should try to resolve pending problems about 
your previous commits. Anyway...

alexsh at svn.wikimedia.org ha scritto:
> Revision: 6950
> Author:   alexsh
> Date:     2009-06-11 16:46:35 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jun 2009)
> Log Message:
> -----------
> Fix:cannot locate password files if running script in subfolder

"login.py: Open password file even if the script haven't run from base

> Log Message:
> -----------
> Typo: cannot use double slash in unix...XDrz

...And what "XDrz" stand for?

3 consecutive commits for a bugfix aren't so much good.

Proper procedure should be this (for non-trivial changes or files
created by you self, common-sense based):

1. Post patch in mailing-list (I prefer here instead of using the stupid 
patch tracker).

A message like:

Subject: [PATCH] Descriptive title

Optional long description or commit message

[patch attached]

2. Wait for comments

3. If changes are required, post again a new patch

4. See 2, then commit.

Francesco Cosoleto

"Noi esercitiamo il potere con l'amore, non con le armi" (J. P. 
Goebbels, ministro della cultura del governo nazionalsocialista tedesco, 

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