[Pywikipedia-l] SVN commit

alexsh alexsh at mail2000.com.tw
Wed Jun 10 16:20:01 UTC 2009

Your report looks like this:

I suggest you can add those messages to your pybot copies, make a diff patch and upload to tracker, it can let us commit your messages more easier and faster.
※ 引述《"Jan Dudík" <jan.dudik at gmail.com>》之郵件內容: 
>I would to know if is posible for me to change some files on svn. I
>sumbitted some translation requests, but it takes long time to add
>them to svn versions. So I want to can submit it myself
>JAn Dudík (JAnDbot)
--Alex Shih-Han Lin, alexsh in wikimedia.
lin4h in sf.net and using Alexbot in wikimedia.

First time send the mail to mailing list, sry for poor English.

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