[Pywikipedia-l] SVN: [6276] branches/rewrite/pywikibot

russblau at svn.wikimedia.org russblau at svn.wikimedia.org
Thu Jan 22 14:53:20 UTC 2009

Revision: 6276
Author:   russblau
Date:     2009-01-22 14:53:20 +0000 (Thu, 22 Jan 2009)

Log Message:
Merge recent page generators changes from trunk

Modified Paths:

Property Changed:

Modified: branches/rewrite/pywikibot/pagegenerators.py
--- branches/rewrite/pywikibot/pagegenerators.py	2009-01-21 20:21:19 UTC (rev 6275)
+++ branches/rewrite/pywikibot/pagegenerators.py	2009-01-22 14:53:20 UTC (rev 6276)
@@ -77,6 +77,10 @@
                   config.py for instructions.
                   Argument can also be given as "-google:searchstring".
+-namespace        Filter the page generator to only yield pages in the
+                  specified namespaces.  Separate multiple namespace
+                  numbers with commas.
 -interwiki        Work on the given page and all equivalent pages in other
                   languages. This can, for example, be used to fight
                   multi-site spamming.
@@ -145,21 +149,43 @@
 class GeneratorFactory(object):
     """Process command line arguments and return appropriate page generator."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.gens = []
+        self.namespaces = []
-    def setCategoryGen(self, arg, length, recurse = False):
+    def getCombinedGenerator(self):
+        """Return the combination of all accumulated generators.
+        Only call this after all arguments have been parsed.
+        """
+        if len(self.gens) == 0:
+            return None
+        elif len(self.gens) == 1:
+            gensList = self.gens[0]
+        else:
+            gensList = CombinedPageGenerator(self.gens)
+        genToReturn = DuplicateFilterPageGenerator(gensList)
+        if self.namespaces:
+            genToReturn = NamespaceFilterPageGenerator(genToReturn, map(int, self.namespaces))
+        return genToReturn
+    def getCategoryGen(self, arg, length, recurse = False):
         if len(arg) == length:
             categoryname = pywikibot.input(u'Please enter the category name:')
             categoryname = arg[length + 1:]
         ind = categoryname.find('|')
+        startfrom = None
         if ind > 0:
             startfrom = categoryname[ind + 1:]
             categoryname = categoryname[:ind]
-        else:
-            startfrom = None
-        cat = pywikibot.Category(pywikibot.Link('Category:%s' % categoryname))
+        cat = pywikibot.Category(pywikibot.Link(categoryname,
+                                                defaultNamespace=14))
+        # Link constructor automatically prepends localized namespace
+        # if not included in user's input
         return CategorizedPageGenerator(cat, start=startfrom, recurse=recurse)
     def setSubCategoriesGen(self, arg, length, recurse=False):
@@ -175,10 +201,20 @@
             startfrom = None
-        cat = pywikibot.Category(pywikibot.Link('Category:%s' % categoryname))
+        cat = pywikibot.Category(pywikibot.Link(categoryname,
+                                                defaultNamespace=14))
         return SubCategoriesPageGenerator(cat, start=startfrom, recurse=recurse)
     def handleArg(self, arg):
+        """Parse one argument at a time.
+        If it is recognized as an argument that specifies a generator, a
+        generator is created and added to the accumulation list, and the
+        function returns true.  Otherwise, it returns false, so that caller
+        can try parsing the argument. Call getCombinedGenerator() after all
+        arguments have been parsed to get the final output generator.
+        """
         gen = None
         if arg.startswith('-filelinks'):
             fileLinksPageTitle = arg[11:]
@@ -224,14 +260,35 @@
                 textfilename = pywikibot.input(
                     u'Please enter the local file name:')
             gen = TextfilePageGenerator(textfilename)
+        elif arg.startswith('-namespace'):
+            if len(arg) == len('-namespace'):
+                self.namespaces.append(
+                    pywikibot.input(u'What namespace are you filtering on?'))
+            else:
+                self.namespaces.extend(arg[len('-namespace:'):].split(","))
+            return True
         elif arg.startswith('-catr'):
-            gen = self.setCategoryGen(arg, 5, recurse = True)
+            gen = self.getCategoryGen(arg, len("-catr"), recurse = True)
+        elif arg.startswith('-category'):
+            gen = self.getCategoryGen(arg, len('-category'))
         elif arg.startswith('-cat'):
-            gen = self.setCategoryGen(arg, 4)
+            gen = self.getCategoryGen(arg, len("-cat"))
         elif arg.startswith('-subcatsr'):
             gen = self.setSubCategoriesGen(arg, 9, recurse = True)
         elif arg.startswith('-subcats'):
             gen = self.setSubCategoriesGen(arg, 8)
+        elif arg.startswith('-page'):
+            if len(arg) == len('-page'):
+                gen = [pywikibot.Page(
+                           pywikibot.Link(
+                               pywikibot.input(
+                                   u'What page do you want to use?'),
+                               pywikibot.getSite())
+                           )]
+            else:
+                gen = [pywikibot.Page(pywikibot.Link(arg[len('-page:'):],
+                                                     pywikibot.getSite())
+                                      )]
         elif arg.startswith('-uncatfiles'):
             gen = UnCategorizedImageGenerator()
         elif arg.startswith('-uncatcat'):
@@ -265,9 +322,10 @@
             if not transclusionPageTitle:
                 transclusionPageTitle = pywikibot.input(
                     u'Pages that transclude which page should be processed?')
-            transclusionPage = pywikibot.Page(pywikibot.Link(
-                                    'Template:%s' % transclusionPageTitle,
-                                    pywikibot.Site()))
+            transclusionPage = pywikibot.Page(
+                                   pywikibot.Link(transclusionPageTitle,
+                                                  defaultNamespace=10,
+                                                  source=pywikibot.Site()))
             gen = ReferringPageGenerator(transclusionPage,
         elif arg.startswith('-start'):
@@ -327,10 +385,12 @@
         elif arg.startswith('-yahoo'):
             gen = YahooSearchPageGenerator(arg[7:])
-            return None
-        # make sure all yielded pages are unique
-        gen = DuplicateFilterPageGenerator(gen)
-        return gen
+            pass
+        if gen:
+            self.gens.append(gen)
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
 def AllpagesPageGenerator(start ='!', namespace=None, includeredirects=True,
@@ -490,6 +550,7 @@
 def UserContributionsGenerator(username, number=250, namespaces=None,
     """Yields number unique pages edited by user:username
     namespaces : list of namespace numbers to fetch contribs from

Property changes on: branches/rewrite/pywikibot/pagegenerators.py
Added: svn:mergeinfo
   + /trunk/pywikipedia/pagegenerators.py:6271-6272

Modified: branches/rewrite/pywikibot/scripts/category.py
--- branches/rewrite/pywikibot/scripts/category.py	2009-01-21 20:21:19 UTC (rev 6275)
+++ branches/rewrite/pywikibot/scripts/category.py	2009-01-22 14:53:20 UTC (rev 6276)
@@ -877,6 +877,8 @@
 def main(*args):
+    global catDB
     fromGiven = False
     toGiven = False
     batchMode = False
@@ -895,106 +897,124 @@
     # The generator gives the pages that should be worked upon.
     gen = None
-    #If this is set to true then the custom edit summary given for removing
-    #categories from articles will also be used as the deletion reason.
+    # If this is set to true then the custom edit summary given for removing
+    # categories from articles will also be used as the deletion reason.
     useSummaryForDeletion = True
-    try:
-        catDB = CategoryDatabase()
-        action = None
-        sort_by_last_name = False
-        restore = False
-        for arg in pywikibot.handleArgs(*args):
-            if arg == 'add':
-                action = 'add'
-            elif arg == 'remove':
-                action = 'remove'
-            elif arg == 'move':
-                action = 'move'
-            elif arg == 'tidy':
-                action = 'tidy'
-            elif arg == 'tree':
-                action = 'tree'
-            elif arg == 'listify':
-                action = 'listify'
-            elif arg == '-person':
-                sort_by_last_name = True
-            elif arg == '-rebuild':
-                catDB.rebuild()
-            elif arg.startswith('-from:'):
-                oldCatTitle = arg[len('-from:'):].replace('_', ' ')
-                fromGiven = True
-            elif arg.startswith('-to:'):
-                newCatTitle = arg[len('-to:'):].replace('_', ' ')
-                toGiven = True
-            elif arg == '-batch':
-                batchMode = True
-            elif arg == '-inplace':
-                inPlace = True
-            elif arg == '-delsum':
-                # This parameter is kept for historical reasons, as it was not previously the default option.
-                pass
-            elif arg == '-nodelsum':
-                useSummaryForDeletion = False
-            elif arg == '-overwrite':
-                overwrite = True
-            elif arg == '-showimages':
-                showImages = True
-            elif arg.startswith('-summary:'):
-                editSummary = arg[len('-summary:'):]
-            elif arg.startswith('-match'):
-                if len(arg) == len('-match'):
-                    titleRegex = pywikibot.input(u'Which regular expression should affected objects match?')
-                else:
-                    titleRegex = arg[len('-match:'):]
-            elif arg == '-talkpages':
-                talkPages = True
-            elif arg == '-recurse':
-                recurse = True
+    catDB = CategoryDatabase()
+    action = None
+    sort_by_last_name = False
+    restore = False
+    for arg in pywikibot.handleArgs(*args):
+        if genFactory.handleArg(arg):
+            continue
+        if arg == 'add':
+            action = 'add'
+        elif arg == 'remove':
+            action = 'remove'
+        elif arg == 'move':
+            action = 'move'
+        elif arg == 'tidy':
+            action = 'tidy'
+        elif arg == 'tree':
+            action = 'tree'
+        elif arg == 'listify':
+            action = 'listify'
+        elif arg == '-person':
+            sort_by_last_name = True
+        elif arg == '-rebuild':
+            catDB.rebuild()
+        elif arg.startswith('-from:'):
+            oldCatTitle = arg[len('-from:'):].replace('_', ' ')
+            fromGiven = True
+        elif arg.startswith('-to:'):
+            newCatTitle = arg[len('-to:'):].replace('_', ' ')
+            toGiven = True
+        elif arg == '-batch':
+            batchMode = True
+        elif arg == '-inplace':
+            inPlace = True
+        elif arg == '-delsum':
+            # This parameter is kept for historical reasons,
+            # as it was previously not the default option.
+            pass
+        elif arg == '-nodelsum':
+            useSummaryForDeletion = False
+        elif arg == '-overwrite':
+            overwrite = True
+        elif arg == '-showimages':
+            showImages = True
+        elif arg.startswith('-summary:'):
+            editSummary = arg[len('-summary:'):]
+        elif arg.startswith('-match'):
+            if len(arg) == len('-match'):
+                titleRegex = pywikibot.input(
+                    u'Which regular expression should affected objects match?')
-                gen = genFactory.handleArg(arg)
+                titleRegex = arg[len('-match:'):]
+        elif arg == '-talkpages':
+            talkPages = True
+        elif arg == '-recurse':
+            recurse = True
-        if action == 'add':
-            if not gen:
-                gen = genFactory.handleArg('-links')
-                      # default for backwards compatibility
-            # The preloading generator is responsible for downloading multiple
-            # pages from the wiki simultaneously.
-            gen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(gen)
-            add_category(sort_by_last_name)
-        elif action == 'remove':
-            if (fromGiven == False):
-                oldCatTitle = pywikibot.input(u'Please enter the name of the category that should be removed:')
-            bot = CategoryRemoveRobot(oldCatTitle, batchMode, editSummary, useSummaryForDeletion, inPlace = inPlace)
-            bot.run()
-        elif action == 'move':
-            if (fromGiven == False):
-                oldCatTitle = pywikibot.input(u'Please enter the old name of the category:')
-            if (toGiven == False):
-                newCatTitle = pywikibot.input(u'Please enter the new name of the category:')
-            bot = CategoryMoveRobot(oldCatTitle, newCatTitle, batchMode, editSummary, inPlace, titleRegex = titleRegex)
-            bot.run()
-        elif action == 'tidy':
-            catTitle = pywikibot.input(u'Which category do you want to tidy up?')
-            bot = CategoryTidyRobot(catTitle, catDB)
-            bot.run()
-        elif action == 'tree':
-            catTitle = pywikibot.input(u'For which category do you want to create a tree view?')
-            filename = pywikibot.input(u'Please enter the name of the file where the tree should be saved, or press enter to simply show the tree:')
-            bot = CategoryTreeRobot(catTitle, catDB, filename)
-            bot.run()
-        elif action == 'listify':
-            if (fromGiven == False):
-                oldCatTitle = pywikibot.input(u'Please enter the name of the category to listify:')
-            if (toGiven == False):
-                newCatTitle = pywikibot.input(u'Please enter the name of the list to create:')
-            bot = CategoryListifyRobot(oldCatTitle, newCatTitle, editSummary, overwrite, showImages, subCats = True, talkPages = talkPages, recurse = recurse)
-            bot.run()
-        else:
-            pywikibot.showHelp('category')
+    gen = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator()
+    if action == 'add':
+        if not gen:
+            genFactory.handleArg('-links')
+            gen = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator()
+                  # default for backwards compatibility
+        # The preloading generator is responsible for downloading multiple
+        # pages from the wiki simultaneously.
+        gen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(gen)
+        add_category(sort_by_last_name)
+    elif action == 'remove':
+        if (fromGiven == False):
+            oldCatTitle = pywikibot.input(
+    u'Please enter the name of the category that should be removed:')
+        bot = CategoryRemoveRobot(oldCatTitle, batchMode, editSummary,
+                                  useSummaryForDeletion, inPlace=inPlace)
+        bot.run()
+    elif action == 'move':
+        if (fromGiven == False):
+            oldCatTitle = pywikibot.input(
+                u'Please enter the old name of the category:')
+        if (toGiven == False):
+            newCatTitle = pywikibot.input(
+                u'Please enter the new name of the category:')
+        bot = CategoryMoveRobot(oldCatTitle, newCatTitle, batchMode,
+                                editSummary, inPlace, titleRegex=titleRegex)
+        bot.run()
+    elif action == 'tidy':
+        catTitle = pywikibot.input(u'Which category do you want to tidy up?')
+        bot = CategoryTidyRobot(catTitle, catDB)
+        bot.run()
+    elif action == 'tree':
+        catTitle = pywikibot.input(
+            u'For which category do you want to create a tree view?')
+        filename = pywikibot.input(
+          u'Please enter the name of the file where the tree should be saved,\n'
+          u'or press enter to simply show the tree:')
+        bot = CategoryTreeRobot(catTitle, catDB, filename)
+        bot.run()
+    elif action == 'listify':
+        if (fromGiven == False):
+            oldCatTitle = pywikibot.input(
+                u'Please enter the name of the category to listify:')
+        if (toGiven == False):
+            newCatTitle = pywikibot.input(
+                u'Please enter the name of the list to create:')
+        bot = CategoryListifyRobot(oldCatTitle, newCatTitle, editSummary,
+                                   overwrite, showImages, subCats=True,
+                                   talkPages=talkPages, recurse=recurse)
+        bot.run()
+    else:
+        pywikibot.showHelp('category')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    try:
+        main()
+    except pywikibot.Error:
+        pywikibot.logging.exception("Fatal error:")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()

Modified: branches/rewrite/pywikibot/scripts/replace.py
--- branches/rewrite/pywikibot/scripts/replace.py	2009-01-21 20:21:19 UTC (rev 6275)
+++ branches/rewrite/pywikibot/scripts/replace.py	2009-01-22 14:53:20 UTC (rev 6276)
@@ -71,12 +71,6 @@
                   Currently available predefined fixes are:
--namespace:n      Number or name of namespace to process. The parameter can be
-                  used multiple times. It works in combination with all other
-                  parameters, except for the -start parameter. If you e.g.
-                  want to iterate over all categories starting at M, use
-                  -start:Category:M.
 -always           Don't prompt you for each replacement
 -recursive        Recurse replacement as long as possible. Be careful, this
@@ -497,9 +491,6 @@
     dotall = False
     # Will become True if the user inputs the commandline parameter -multiline
     multiline = False
-    # Which namespaces should be processed?
-    # default to [] which means all namespaces will be processed
-    namespaces = []
     # Do all hits when they overlap
     allowoverlap = False
     # Do not recurse replacement
@@ -514,6 +505,8 @@
     # Read commandline parameters.
     for arg in pywikibot.handleArgs(*args):
+        if genFactory.handleArg(arg):
+            continue
         if arg == '-regex':
             regex = True
         elif arg.startswith('-xmlstart'):
@@ -562,23 +555,15 @@
             multiline = True
         elif arg.startswith('-addcat:'):
             add_cat = arg[len('-addcat:'):]
-        elif arg.startswith('-namespace:'):
-            try:
-                namespaces.append(int(arg[11:]))
-            except ValueError:
-                namespaces.append(arg[11:])
         elif arg.startswith('-summary:'):
             edit_summary = arg[9:]
             summary_commandline = True
         elif arg.startswith('-allowoverlap'):
             allowoverlap = True
-            generator = genFactory.handleArg(arg)
-            if generator:
-                gen = generator
-            else:
-                commandline_replacements.append(arg)
+            commandline_replacements.append(arg)
+    gen = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator()
     if (len(commandline_replacements) % 2):
         raise pywikibot.Error, 'require even number of replacements.'
     elif (len(commandline_replacements) == 2 and fix == None):
@@ -706,8 +691,6 @@
         # syntax error, show help text from the top of this file
-    if namespaces != []:
-        gen = pagegenerators.NamespaceFilterPageGenerator(gen, namespaces)
     if xmlFilename:
         # XML parsing can be quite slow, so use smaller batches and
         # longer lookahead.

Modified: branches/rewrite/pywikibot/scripts/touch.py
--- branches/rewrite/pywikibot/scripts/touch.py	2009-01-21 20:21:19 UTC (rev 6275)
+++ branches/rewrite/pywikibot/scripts/touch.py	2009-01-22 14:53:20 UTC (rev 6276)
@@ -56,38 +56,29 @@
     gen = None
     genFactory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory()
     redirs = False
-    namespaces = []
     # If the user chooses to work on a single page, this temporary array is
     # used to read the words from the page title. The words will later be
     # joined with spaces to retrieve the full title.
     pageTitle = []
     for arg in pywikibot.handleArgs(*args):
+        if genFactory.handleArg(arg):
+            continue
         if arg == '-redir':
             redirs = True
-        elif arg.startswith('-namespace:'):
-            try:
-                namespaces.append(int(arg[11:]))
-            except ValueError:
-                namespaces.append(arg[11:])
-            generator = genFactory.handleArg(arg)
-            if generator:
-                gen = generator
-            else:
-                pageTitle.append(arg)
+            pageTitle.append(arg)
-    if pageTitle:
-        # work on a single page
-        page = pywikibot.Page(pywikibot.Link(' '.join(pageTitle)))
-        gen = iter([page])
+    gen = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator()
     if not gen:
-        pywikibot.showHelp()
-    else:
-        if namespaces:
-            gen = pagegenerators.NamespaceFilterPageGenerator(gen, namespaces)
-        preloadingGen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(gen)
-        bot = TouchBot(preloadingGen, redirs)
-        bot.run()
+        if pageTitle:
+            # work on a single page
+            page = pywikibot.Page(pywikibot.Link(' '.join(pageTitle)))
+            gen = iter([page])
+        else:
+            pywikibot.showHelp()
+    preloadingGen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(gen)
+    bot = TouchBot(preloadingGen, redirs)
+    bot.run()
 if __name__ == "__main__":

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