[Pywikipedia-l] [Pywikipedia-svn] SVN: [6674] trunk/pywikipedia/pagegenerators.py

Francesco Cosoleto cosoleto at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 13:47:46 UTC 2009

shizhao at svn.wikimedia.org ha scritto:
> Revision: 6674
> Author:   shizhao
> Date:     2009-04-22 18:31:25 +0000 (Wed, 22 Apr 2009)
> Log Message:
> -----------
> add new parameter: "-gorandom". 
> Specifies that the robot should starting at the random pages returned by [[Special:Random]].
> +
> +-gorandom         Specifies that the robot should starting at the random pages 
> +                  returned by [[Special:Random]].
>  """
> @@ -1009,6 +1012,14 @@
>                                                transclusionPageTitle))
>              gen = ReferringPageGenerator(transclusionPage,
>                                           onlyTemplateInclusion=True)
> +        elif arg.startswith('-gorandom'):
> +            for firstPage in RandomPageGenerator(number = 1):
> +                firstPageTitle = firstPage.title()
> +            namespace = wikipedia.Page(site, firstPageTitle).namespace()
> +            firstPageTitle = wikipedia.Page(site,
> +                                 firstPageTitle).titleWithoutNamespace()
> +            gen = AllpagesPageGenerator(firstPageTitle, namespace,
> +                                        includeredirects=False)
>          elif arg.startswith('-start'):
>              if arg.startswith('-startxml'):
>                  wikipedia.output(u'-startxml : wrong parameter')

I don't agree to implement this option. It isn't necessary request a 
page to [[Special:Random]] to get a hint about what download with 
[[Special:Allpages]]. And doesn't look for me useful an user option to 
do that or similar thing.

Francesco Cosoleto

"L'ho incontrato una volta sola. Fini non è una persona che si possa
giudicare avendolo visto una volta sola. E io non ho intenzione di
rivederlo." (Roberto Benigni)

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