[Pywikipedia-l] [ pywikipediabot-Feature Requests-1768728 ] Multilingual development

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Feature Requests item #1768728, was opened at 2007-08-06 19:47
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by crochet_david
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Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Priority: 7
Private: No
Submitted By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Multilingual development

Initial Comment:
English speaking at end

==Francais== Texte d'origine
Je voudrais vous proposer un système qui permet de rendre le robot multilingue. En effet, tous les messages envoyé à la console sont anglophone. Or le but d'un robot est de s'adapter à la multitude des languages pouvant exister de la part des utilisateurs. C'est pour cela que je vous propose le système suivant :

Création d'un nouveau répertoire 'lang'. Dans ce répertoire s'y trouverait des fichiers de type XX.py (XX étant le code ISO 639 de la langue). Donc ce répertoire contiendra 1 ficher par code de langue existant.

Lorsque les différents programmes veulent afficher un message sur la console, la commande utilisé est très souvent 'wikipedia.output' ou 'wikipedia.input'. Le travail de cette commande serait d'appeller le fichier xx.py avec le numéro du message à renvoyer en paramètre, le choix du xx serait donnée par la variable mylang de user-config.py. le fichier xx.py enverrais alors le message à afficher en tenant compte des différentes variables de type %s (ou autre) bien entendu

Exemple :
dans user-config.py, j'ai "mylang = 'fr'"
Replace.py à la ligne 375 contient la commande "wikipedia.input(u'Please enter the new text:')",

Le nouveau système coderait "wikipedia.input(u'Please enter the new text:')" par "wikipedia.input.message(284)"
appelerait donc lang/fr.py et lui demanderais de lui retourner le message n° 284 qui serait "s'il vous plais, entrez le nouveaux texte :" et le lui retourne.

Voila, en esperant avoir compris ma demande. 

Je vous remercie de votre écoute

==English== Text translates since French by a machine translation system

I would like to propose you a system which allows to return the multilingual robot. Indeed, all the messages messenger in the console are English-speaking. Now the purpose of a robot is to adapt itself to the multitude of the languages which can exist on behalf of the users. It is for it that I propose you the following system:

Creation of a new directory ' lang '. In this directory would be files of type XX.py (XX there being the code ISO 639 of the language). Thus this directory will contain 1 file by existing code of language.

When the various programs want to post a message on the console, the order used is very often ' wikipedia.output ' or ' wikipedia.input '. The work of this order would be to call the xx.py file with the number of the message to be sent back in parameter, the choice of the xx would be given by the mylang variable to user-config.py

The xx.py file would send then the message to be posted(shown) by taking into account various variables of type %s (or other) naturally 

In user-config.py, I have " mylang = ' fr ' "
Replace.py in the line 375 contains the command " wikipedia.input (u' Please enter the new text: ') ", 
The new system would code " wikipedia.input (u' Please enter the new text: ') "by" wikipedia.input.message (284) " call thus lang/fr.py and would ask it to return it the message n° 284 which would be " s'il vous plais, entrez le nouveaux texte : ".

Here we are, by hoping to have understood my demand.  
I thank you for your listening 


Comment By: David Crochet (crochet_david)
Date: 2009-04-09 23:11

Something new with the dev meeting in Berlin?


Comment By: Merlijn S. van Deen (valhallasw)
Date: 2007-08-24 22:24

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

Update: Because of the limitations of the normal xgettext implementation,
I am writing my own version, using the python compiler package. With some
luck, it will be possible to maintain the original inputChoice format this
way (as there is no reason to use a string anymore; the string-to-translate
can be generated from a function parameter that is a list, or a dict, or
.... ).

When this implementation is done, only three functions (wikipedia.input,
wikipedia.output and wikipedia.inputChoice) need to be adapted (and
possibly we need to change wikipedia.Error to translate the error).


Comment By: Merlijn S. van Deen (valhallasw)
Date: 2007-08-08 17:08

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Originator: NO

and see if you like it. I wrote a new function; the system is as follows:

retval = i18nChoice("Do you want to save?", "[('yes', 'y'), ('no', 'n')]",

instead of a key, the options *name* is given as parameter, and returned.

This returns, with a dutch translation:
Wilt u opslaan? ([j]a, [n]ee) n

then retval == 'no'

To use this, we need to use xgettext:
xgettext --keyword=i18nChoice:1,2 ic.py

and we get plural defenitions:
msgid "Do you want to save?"
msgid_plural "[('yes', 'y'), ('no', 'n')]"
msgstr[0] "Wilt u opslaan?"
msgstr[1] "[('ja', 'j'), ('nee', 'n')]"

Maybe not the nicest solution, but the best one I could find. The
alternative would be
retval = i18nChoice(_("Do you want to save?"), "[('yes', 'y'), ('no',
'n')]", 'yes')
xgettext --keyword=i18nChoice,2 ic.py
(and the corresponding changes in the function, of course.)


Comment By: Merlijn S. van Deen (valhallasw)
Date: 2007-08-08 02:14

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

Take a look at my proposal at http://pywiki.pastey.net/71924 . Readability
still is not too good; another way would be to create a new input function
and let gettext see it as translatable strings. No idea if gettext can
handle multiple parameters, but I assume it can handle at least two ;)


Comment By: Daniel Herding (wikipedian)
Date: 2007-08-08 00:31

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

Current status:

I have changed the text colorization system so that it is now possible to
internationalize colorized strings.

There is now a branch called i18n which has gettext support. It works
fine, and the selflink.py script can be run in German. There is a new
config variable to set the UI lang, it will default to mylang and fall back
to English if the chosen language is unsupported.

One disadvantage is that source code readability suffers. Before:

choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(u'\nWhat shall be done with this
selflink?',  ['unlink', 'make bold', 'skip', 'edit', 'more context'], ['U',
'b', 's', 'e', 'm'], 'u')


choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(_(u'\nWhat shall be done with this
selflink?'),  [_('unlink'), _('make bold'), _('skip'), _('edit'), _('more
context')], [_('u [unlink hotkey]'), _('b [make bold hotkey]'), _('s [skip
hotkey]'), _('e [edit hotkey]'), _('m [more context hotkey]')], _('u
[unlink hotkey]'))

valhallasw and I have discussed how to modify inputChoice() to make it
less cluttered, but we didn't find a convincing solution. For example,
inputChoice could be changed so that it works like this:

choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(_(u'What shall be done with this
selflink?'), _(u'[u]nlink, make [b]old, [s]kip, [e]dit, [m]ore context'),

so that it automatically parses the [brackets] to find out the hotkeys,
and returns an integer for the option that was chosen. But integers make
the code very hard to read and maintain when there are long if-elif
constructions (... elif choice == 12 ...).

So, we currently don't know how to do it better. I think having full i18n
is worth cluttering up the code a little bit.


Comment By: Russell Blau (russblau)
Date: 2007-08-07 15:28

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

A good idea; however, it should be implemented using the standard Python
'gettext' module, rather than reinventing the wheel.


Comment By: Merlijn S. van Deen (valhallasw)
Date: 2007-08-07 00:41

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

I have no idea if gettext is usable on non-unix platforms, and whether it
allows to use locally saved translations. If it does, I think we might give
it a try. We would need to change all 'text %s %s' % (self.title(),
newtitle) commands to their dictionary relatives, 'text %(title)s
%(newtitle)s' % {'title': self.title(), 'newtitle': newtitle). Not a small
job, but doable, I suppose.

If gettext is not (easily) available on win32, we might write our own
system. I do not like the idea of using integers though ;)


Comment By: Daniel Herding (wikipedian)
Date: 2007-08-06 22:15

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

Your approach works for static strings like wikipedia.input(u'Please enter
the new text: '), but it doesn't work for dynamic ones like output(u'Page
%s moved to %s' % (self.title(), newtitle)).

Instead, we could use gettext:

What do you think?


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