[Pywikipedia-l] SVN: [6091] branches/rewrite/pywikibot/textlib.py

russblau at svn.wikimedia.org russblau at svn.wikimedia.org
Wed Nov 12 19:21:18 UTC 2008

Revision: 6091
Author:   russblau
Date:     2008-11-12 19:21:18 +0000 (Wed, 12 Nov 2008)

Log Message:
textlib.py contains functions for altering wiki-text (all functions copied-and-pasted from wikipedia.py)

Added Paths:

Added: branches/rewrite/pywikibot/textlib.py
--- branches/rewrite/pywikibot/textlib.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/rewrite/pywikibot/textlib.py	2008-11-12 19:21:18 UTC (rev 6091)
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
+Functions for manipulating wiki-text.
+Unless otherwise noted, all functions take a unicode string as the argument
+and return a unicode string.
+# (C) Pywikipedia bot team, 2008
+# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
+__version__ = '$Id: $'
+import pywikibot
+import re
+def unescape(s):
+    """Replace escaped HTML-special characters by their originals"""
+    if '&' not in s:
+        return s
+    s = s.replace("&lt;", "<")
+    s = s.replace("&gt;", ">")
+    s = s.replace("&apos;", "'")
+    s = s.replace("&quot;", '"')
+    s = s.replace("&amp;", "&") # Must be last
+    return s
+def replaceExcept(text, old, new, exceptions, caseInsensitive=False,
+                  allowoverlap=False, marker = '', site = None):
+    """
+    Return text with 'old' replaced by 'new', ignoring specified types of text.
+    Skips occurences of 'old' within exceptions; e.g., within nowiki tags or
+    HTML comments. If caseInsensitive is true, then use case insensitive
+    regex matching. If allowoverlap is true, overlapping occurences are all
+    replaced (watch out when using this, it might lead to infinite loops!).
+    Parameters:
+        text            - a unicode string
+        old             - a compiled regular expression
+        new             - a unicode string (which can contain regular
+                          expression references), or a function which takes
+                          a match object as parameter. See parameter repl of
+                          re.sub().
+        exceptions      - a list of strings which signal what to leave out,
+                          e.g. ['math', 'table', 'template']
+        caseInsensitive - a boolean
+        marker          - a string that will be added to the last replacement;
+                          if nothing is changed, it is added at the end
+    """
+    if site is None:
+        site = pywikibot.getSite()
+    exceptionRegexes = {
+        'comment':     re.compile(r'(?s)<!--.*?-->'),
+        # section headers
+        'header':      re.compile(r'\r\n=+.+=+ *\r\n'),
+        'includeonly': re.compile(r'(?is)<includeonly>.*?</includeonly>'),
+        'math':        re.compile(r'(?is)<math>.*?</math>'),
+        'noinclude':   re.compile(r'(?is)<noinclude>.*?</noinclude>'),
+        # wiki tags are ignored inside nowiki tags.
+        'nowiki':      re.compile(r'(?is)<nowiki>.*?</nowiki>'),
+        # preformatted text
+        'pre':         re.compile(r'(?ism)<pre>.*?</pre>'),
+        'source':      re.compile(r'(?is)<source .*?</source>'),
+        # inline references
+        'ref':         re.compile(r'(?ism)<ref[ >].*?</ref>'),
+        'timeline':    re.compile(r'(?is)<timeline>.*?</timeline>'),
+        # lines that start with a space are shown in a monospace font and
+        # have whitespace preserved.
+        'startspace':  re.compile(r'(?m)^ (.*?)$'),
+        # tables often have whitespace that is used to improve wiki
+        # source code readability.
+        # TODO: handle nested tables.
+        'table':       re.compile(r'(?ims)^{\|.*?^\|}|<table>.*?</table>'),
+        # templates with parameters often have whitespace that is used to
+        # improve wiki source code readability.
+        # 'template':    re.compile(r'(?s){{.*?}}'),
+        # The regex above fails on nested templates. This regex can handle
+        # templates cascaded up to level 3, but no deeper. For arbitrary
+        # depth, we'd need recursion which can't be done in Python's re.
+        # After all, the language of correct parenthesis words is not regular.
+        'template':    re.compile(r'(?s){{(({{(({{.*?}})|.)*}})|.)*}}'),
+        'hyperlink':   compileLinkR(),
+        'gallery':     re.compile(r'(?is)<gallery.*?>.*?</gallery>'),
+        # this matches internal wikilinks, but also interwiki, categories, and
+        # images.
+        'link':        re.compile(r'\[\[[^\]\|]*(\|[^\]]*)?\]\]'),
+        'interwiki':   re.compile(r'(?i)\[\[(%s)\s?:[^\]]*\]\][\s]*'
+                               % '|'.join(site.validLanguageLinks() + site.family.obsolete.keys())),
+    }
+    # if we got a string, compile it as a regular expression
+    if type(old) is str or type(old) is unicode:
+        if caseInsensitive:
+            old = re.compile(old, re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE)
+        else:
+            old = re.compile(old)
+    dontTouchRegexes = []
+    for exc in exceptions:
+        if isinstance(exc, str) or isinstance(exc, unicode):
+            # assume it's a reference to the exceptionRegexes dictionary
+            # defined above.
+            if not exceptionRegexes.has_key(exc):
+                raise ValueError("Unknown tag type: " + exc)
+            dontTouchRegexes.append(exceptionRegexes[exc])
+        else:
+            # assume it's a regular expression
+            dontTouchRegexes.append(exc)
+    index = 0
+    markerpos = len(text)
+    while True:
+        match = old.search(text, index)
+        if not match:
+            # nothing left to replace
+            break
+        # check which exception will occur next.
+        nextExceptionMatch = None
+        for dontTouchR in dontTouchRegexes:
+            excMatch = dontTouchR.search(text, index)
+            if excMatch and (
+                    nextExceptionMatch is None or
+                    excMatch.start() < nextExceptionMatch.start()):
+                nextExceptionMatch = excMatch
+        if nextExceptionMatch is not None and nextExceptionMatch.start() <= match.start():
+            # an HTML comment or text in nowiki tags stands before the next valid match. Skip.
+            index = nextExceptionMatch.end()
+        else:
+            # We found a valid match. Replace it.
+            if callable(new):
+                # the parameter new can be a function which takes the match as a parameter.
+                replacement = new(match)
+            else:
+                # it is not a function, but a string.
+                # it is a little hack to make \n work. It would be better to fix it
+                # previously, but better than nothing.
+                new = new.replace('\\n', '\n')
+                # We cannot just insert the new string, as it may contain regex
+                # group references such as \2 or \g<name>.
+                # On the other hand, this approach does not work because it can't
+                # handle lookahead or lookbehind (see bug #1731008):
+                #replacement = old.sub(new, text[match.start():match.end()])
+                #text = text[:match.start()] + replacement + text[match.end():]
+                # So we have to process the group references manually.
+                replacement = new
+                groupR = re.compile(r'\\(?P<number>\d+)|\\g<(?P<name>.+?)>')
+                while True:
+                    groupMatch = groupR.search(replacement)
+                    if not groupMatch:
+                        break
+                    groupID = groupMatch.group('name') or int(groupMatch.group('number'))
+                    replacement = replacement[:groupMatch.start()] + match.group(groupID) + replacement[groupMatch.end():]
+            text = text[:match.start()] + replacement + text[match.end():]
+            # continue the search on the remaining text
+            if allowoverlap:
+                index = match.start() + 1
+            else:
+                index = match.start() + len(replacement)
+            markerpos = match.start() + len(replacement)
+    text = text[:markerpos] + marker + text[markerpos:]
+    return text
+def removeDisabledParts(text, tags = ['*']):
+    """
+    Return text without portions where wiki markup is disabled
+    Parts that can/will be removed are --
+    * HTML comments
+    * nowiki tags
+    * pre tags
+    * includeonly tags
+    The exact set of parts which should be removed can be passed as the
+    'parts' parameter, which defaults to all.
+    """
+    regexes = {
+            'comments' :   r'<!--.*?-->',
+            'includeonly': r'<includeonly>.*?</includeonly>',
+            'nowiki':      r'<nowiki>.*?</nowiki>',
+            'pre':         r'<pre>.*?</pre>',
+            'source':      r'<source .*?</source>',
+    }
+    if '*' in tags:
+        tags = regexes.keys()
+    toRemoveR = re.compile('|'.join([regexes[tag] for tag in tags]),
+                           re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)
+    return toRemoveR.sub('', text)
+def isDisabled(text, index, tags = ['*']):
+    """
+    Return True if text[index] is disabled, e.g. by a comment or by nowiki tags.
+    For the tags parameter, see removeDisabledParts() above.
+    """
+    # Find a marker that is not already in the text.
+    marker = '@@'
+    while marker in text:
+        marker += '@'
+    text = text[:index] + marker + text[index:]
+    text = removeDisabledParts(text, tags)
+    return (marker not in text)
+# Functions dealing with interwiki language links
+# Note - MediaWiki supports two kinds of interwiki links; interlanguage and
+#        interproject.  These functions only deal with links to a
+#        corresponding page in another language on the same project (e.g.,
+#        Wikipedia, Wiktionary, etc.) in another language. They do not find
+#        or change links to a different project, or any that are formatted
+#        as in-line interwiki links (e.g., "[[:es:Articulo]]".  (CONFIRM)
+def getLanguageLinks(text, insite = None, pageLink = "[[]]"):
+    """
+    Return a dict of interlanguage links found in text.
+    Dict uses language codes as keys and Page objects as values.
+    Do not call this routine directly, use Page.interwiki() method
+    instead.
+    """
+    if insite == None:
+        insite = pywikibot.getSite()
+    result = {}
+    # Ignore interwiki links within nowiki tags, includeonly tags, pre tags,
+    # and HTML comments
+    text = removeDisabledParts(text)
+    # This regular expression will find every link that is possibly an
+    # interwiki link.
+    # NOTE: language codes are case-insensitive and only consist of basic latin
+    # letters and hyphens.
+    interwikiR = re.compile(r'\[\[([a-zA-Z\-]+)\s?:([^\[\]\n]*)\]\]')
+    for lang, pagetitle in interwikiR.findall(text):
+        lang = lang.lower()
+        # Check if it really is in fact an interwiki link to a known
+        # language, or if it's e.g. a category tag or an internal link
+        if lang in insite.family.obsolete:
+            lang = insite.family.obsolete[lang]
+        if lang in insite.validLanguageLinks():
+            if '|' in pagetitle:
+                # ignore text after the pipe
+                pagetitle = pagetitle[:pagetitle.index('|')]
+            # we want the actual page objects rather than the titles
+            site = insite.getSite(code = lang)
+            try:
+                result[site] = pywikibot.Page(site, pagetitle, insite = insite)
+            except InvalidTitle:
+                output(
+        u"[getLanguageLinks] Text contains invalid interwiki link [[%s:%s]]."
+                           % (lang, pagetitle))
+                continue
+    return result
+def removeLanguageLinks(text, site = None, marker = ''):
+    """Return text with all interlanguage links removed.
+    If a link to an unknown language is encountered, a warning is printed.
+    If a marker is defined, that string is placed at the location of the
+    last occurence of an interwiki link (at the end if there are no
+    interwiki links).
+    """
+    if site == None:
+        site = pywikibot.getSite()
+    if not site.validLanguageLinks():
+        return text
+    # This regular expression will find every interwiki link, plus trailing
+    # whitespace.
+    languages = '|'.join(site.validLanguageLinks() + site.family.obsolete.keys())
+    interwikiR = re.compile(r'\[\[(%s)\s?:[^\]]*\]\][\s]*'
+                            % languages, re.IGNORECASE)
+    text = replaceExcept(text, interwikiR, '',
+                         ['nowiki', 'comment', 'math', 'pre', 'source'], marker=marker)
+    return text.strip()
+def replaceLanguageLinks(oldtext, new, site = None):
+    """Replace interlanguage links in the text with a new set of links.
+    'new' should be a dict with the Site objects as keys, and Page objects
+    as values (i.e., just like the dict returned by getLanguageLinks
+    function).
+    """
+    # Find a marker that is not already in the text.
+    marker = '@@'
+    while marker in oldtext:
+        marker += '@'
+    if site == None:
+        site = pywikibot.getSite()
+    s = interwikiFormat(new, insite = site)
+    s2 = removeLanguageLinks(oldtext, site = site, marker = marker)
+    if s:
+        if site.language() in site.family.interwiki_attop:
+            newtext = s + site.family.interwiki_text_separator + s2.replace(marker,'').strip()
+        else:
+            # calculate what was after the language links on the page
+            firstafter = s2.find(marker) + len(marker)
+            # Is there any text in the 'after' part that means we should keep it after?
+            if "</noinclude>" in s2[firstafter:]:
+                newtext = s2[:firstafter] + s + s2[firstafter:]
+            elif site.language() in site.family.categories_last:
+                cats = getCategoryLinks(s2, site = site)
+                s2 = removeCategoryLinks(s2.replace(marker,'').strip(), site) + site.family.interwiki_text_separator + s
+                newtext = replaceCategoryLinks(s2, cats, site=site)
+            else:
+                newtext = s2.replace(marker,'').strip() + site.family.interwiki_text_separator + s
+            newtext = newtext.replace(marker,'')
+    else:
+        newtext = s2.replace(marker,'')
+    return newtext
+def interwikiFormat(links, insite = None):
+    """Convert interwiki link dict into a wikitext string.
+    'links' should be a dict with the Site objects as keys, and Page
+    objects as values.
+    Return a unicode string that is formatted for inclusion in insite
+    (defaulting to the current site).
+    """
+    if insite is None:
+        insite = pywikibot.getSite()
+    if not links:
+        return ''
+    ar = interwikiSort(links.keys(), insite)
+    s = []
+    for site in ar:
+        try:
+            link = links[site].aslink(forceInterwiki=True)
+            s.append(link)
+        except AttributeError:
+            s.append(pywikibot.getSite(site).linkto(links[site],
+                                                    othersite=insite))
+    if insite.lang in insite.family.interwiki_on_one_line:
+        sep = u' '
+    else:
+        sep = u'\r\n'
+    s=sep.join(s) + u'\r\n'
+    return s
+# Sort sites according to local interwiki sort logic
+def interwikiSort(sites, insite = None):
+    if insite is None:
+      insite = pywikibot.getSite()
+    if not sites:
+      return []
+    sites.sort()
+    putfirst = insite.interwiki_putfirst()
+    if putfirst:
+        #In this case I might have to change the order
+        firstsites = []
+        for code in putfirst:
+            # The code may not exist in this family?
+            if code in insite.family.obsolete:
+                code = insite.family.obsolete[code]
+            if code in insite.validLanguageLinks():
+                site = insite.getSite(code = code)
+                if site in sites:
+                    del sites[sites.index(site)]
+                    firstsites = firstsites + [site]
+        sites = firstsites + sites
+    if insite.interwiki_putfirst_doubled(sites): #some implementations return False
+        sites = insite.interwiki_putfirst_doubled(sites) + sites
+    return sites
+# Functions dealing with category links
+def getCategoryLinks(text, site):
+    """Return a list of category links found in text.
+    List contains Category objects.
+    Do not call this routine directly, use Page.categories() instead.
+    """
+    result = []
+    # Ignore category links within nowiki tags, pre tags, includeonly tags,
+    # and HTML comments
+    text = removeDisabledParts(text)
+    catNamespace = '|'.join(site.category_namespaces())
+    R = re.compile(r'\[\[\s*(?P<namespace>%s)\s*:\s*(?P<catName>.+?)'
+                   r'(?:\|(?P<sortKey>.+?))?\s*\]\]'
+                   % catNamespace, re.I)
+    for match in R.finditer(text):
+        cat = pywikibot.Category(site,
+                                 '%s:%s' % (match.group('namespace'),
+                                            match.group('catName')),
+                                 sortKey = match.group('sortKey'))
+        result.append(cat)
+    return result
+def removeCategoryLinks(text, site, marker = ''):
+    """Return text with all category links removed.
+    Put the string marker after the last replacement (at the end of the text
+    if  there is no replacement).
+    """
+    # This regular expression will find every link that is possibly an
+    # interwiki link, plus trailing whitespace. The language code is grouped.
+    # NOTE: This assumes that language codes only consist of non-capital
+    # ASCII letters and hyphens.
+    catNamespace = '|'.join(site.category_namespaces())
+    categoryR = re.compile(r'\[\[\s*(%s)\s*:.*?\]\]\s*' % catNamespace, re.I)
+    text = replaceExcept(text, categoryR, '', ['nowiki', 'comment', 'math', 'pre', 'source'], marker = marker)
+    if marker:
+        #avoid having multiple linefeeds at the end of the text
+        text = re.sub('\s*%s' % re.escape(marker), '\r\n' + marker, text.strip())
+    return text.strip()
+def replaceCategoryInPlace(oldtext, oldcat, newcat, site=None):
+    """Replace the category oldcat with the category newcat and return
+       the modified text.
+    """
+    if site is None:
+        site = pywikibot.getSite()
+    catNamespace = '|'.join(site.category_namespaces())
+    title = oldcat.titleWithoutNamespace()
+    if not title:
+        return
+    # title might contain regex special characters
+    title = re.escape(title)
+    # title might not be capitalized correctly on the wiki
+    if title[0].isalpha() and not site.nocapitalize:
+        title = "[%s%s]" % (title[0].upper(), title[0].lower()) + title[1:]
+    # spaces and underscores in page titles are interchangeable, and collapsible
+    title = title.replace(r"\ ", "[ _]+").replace(r"\_", "[ _]+")
+    categoryR = re.compile(r'\[\[\s*(%s)\s*:\s*%s\s*((?:\|[^]]+)?\]\])'
+                            % (catNamespace, title), re.I)
+    if newcat is None:
+        text = replaceExcept(oldtext, categoryR, '',
+                             ['nowiki', 'comment', 'math', 'pre', 'source'])
+    else:
+        text = replaceExcept(oldtext, categoryR,
+                             '[[%s:%s\\2' % (site.namespace(14),
+                                             newcat.titleWithoutNamespace()),
+                             ['nowiki', 'comment', 'math', 'pre', 'source'])
+    return text
+def replaceCategoryLinks(oldtext, new, site = None, addOnly = False):
+    """Replace the category links given in the wikitext given
+       in oldtext by the new links given in new.
+       'new' should be a list of Category objects.
+       If addOnly is True, the old category won't be deleted and
+       the category(s) given will be added
+       (and so they won't replace anything).
+    """
+    # Find a marker that is not already in the text.
+    marker = '@@'
+    while marker in oldtext:
+        marker += '@'
+    if site is None:
+        site = pywikibot.getSite()
+    if site.sitename() == 'wikipedia:de' and "{{Personendaten" in oldtext:
+        raise Error('The PyWikipediaBot is no longer allowed to touch categories on the German Wikipedia on pages that contain the person data template because of the non-standard placement of that template. See http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilfe_Diskussion:Personendaten/Archiv/bis_2006#Position_der_Personendaten_am_.22Artikelende.22')
+    s = categoryFormat(new, insite = site)
+    if addOnly:
+        s2 = oldtext
+    else:
+        s2 = removeCategoryLinks(oldtext, site = site, marker = marker)
+    if s:
+        if site.language() in site.family.category_attop:
+            newtext = s + site.family.category_text_separator + s2
+        else:
+            # calculate what was after the categories links on the page
+            firstafter = s2.find(marker)
+            # Is there any text in the 'after' part that means we should keep it after?
+            if "</noinclude>" in s2[firstafter:]:
+                newtext = s2[:firstafter] + s + s2[firstafter:]
+            elif site.language() in site.family.categories_last:
+                newtext = s2.replace(marker,'').strip() + site.family.category_text_separator + s
+            else:
+                interwiki = getLanguageLinks(s2)
+                s2 = removeLanguageLinks(s2.replace(marker,''), site) + site.family.category_text_separator + s
+                newtext = replaceLanguageLinks(s2, interwiki, site)
+        newtext = newtext.replace(marker,'')
+    else:
+        s2 = s2.replace(marker,'')
+        return s2
+    return newtext.strip()
+def categoryFormat(categories, insite = None):
+    """Return a string containing links to all categories in a list.
+    'categories' should be a list of Category objects.
+    The string is formatted for inclusion in insite.
+    """
+    if not categories:
+        return ''
+    if insite is None:
+        insite = pywikibot.getSite()
+    catLinks = [category.aslink(noInterwiki = True) for category in categories]
+    if insite.category_on_one_line():
+        sep = ' '
+    else:
+        sep = '\r\n'
+    # Some people don't like the categories sorted
+    #catLinks.sort()
+    return sep.join(catLinks) + '\r\n'
+def compileLinkR(withoutBracketed=False, onlyBracketed=False):
+    """Return a regex that matches external links."""
+    # RFC 2396 says that URLs may only contain certain characters.
+    # For this regex we also accept non-allowed characters, so that the bot
+    # will later show these links as broken ('Non-ASCII Characters in URL').
+    # Note: While allowing parenthesis inside URLs, MediaWiki will regard
+    # right parenthesis at the end of the URL as not part of that URL.
+    # The same applies to dot, comma, colon and some other characters.
+    notAtEnd = '\]\s\)\.:;,<>"'
+    # So characters inside the URL can be anything except whitespace,
+    # closing squared brackets, quotation marks, greater than and less
+    # than, and the last character also can't be parenthesis or another
+    # character disallowed by MediaWiki.
+    notInside = '\]\s<>"'
+    # The first half of this regular expression is required because '' is
+    # not allowed inside links. For example, in this wiki text:
+    #       ''Please see http://www.example.org.''
+    # .'' shouldn't be considered as part of the link.
+    regex = r'(?P<url>http[s]?://[^' + notInside + ']*?[^' + notAtEnd + '](?=[' + notAtEnd+ ']*\'\')|http[s]?://[^' + notInside + ']*[^' + notAtEnd + '])'
+    if withoutBracketed:
+        regex = r'(?<!\[)' + regex
+    elif onlyBracketed:
+        regex = r'\[' + regex
+    linkR = re.compile(regex)
+    return linkR

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