[Pywikipedia-l] SVN: [6062] branches/rewrite/pywikibot/config2.py
russblau at svn.wikimedia.org
russblau at svn.wikimedia.org
Wed Nov 5 19:52:32 UTC 2008
Revision: 6062
Author: russblau
Date: 2008-11-05 19:52:32 +0000 (Wed, 05 Nov 2008)
Log Message:
rename config.py due to import conflicts using both v1 and rewrite on same machine
Added Paths:
Copied: branches/rewrite/pywikibot/config2.py (from rev 6036, branches/rewrite/pywikibot/config.py)
--- branches/rewrite/pywikibot/config2.py (rev 0)
+++ branches/rewrite/pywikibot/config2.py 2008-11-05 19:52:32 UTC (rev 6062)
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# (C) Rob W.W. Hooft, 2003
+# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
+__version__ = '$Id$'
+import os, re
+import sys as __sys
+# Do not change any of the variables in this file. Instead, make
+# a file user-config.py, and overwrite values in there.
+# Note: all variables defined in this module are made available to bots as
+# configuration settings, *except* variable names beginning with an
+# underscore (example: _variable). Be sure to use an underscore on any
+# variables that are intended only for internal use and not to be exported
+# to other modules.
+############## ACCOUNT SETTINGS ##############
+# The family of sites we are working on. wikipedia.py will import
+# families/xxx_family.py so if you want to change this variable,
+# you need to write such a file.
+family = 'wikipedia'
+# The language code of the site we're working on.
+mylang = 'language'
+# The default interface for communicating with the site
+# currently the only defined interface is 'APISite', so don't change this!
+site_interface = 'APISite'
+# The dictionary usernames should contain a username for each site where you
+# have a bot account. Please set your usernames by adding such lines to your
+# user-config.py:
+# usernames['wikipedia']['de'] = 'myGermanUsername'
+# usernames['wiktionary']['en'] = 'myEnglishUsername'
+# If you have a sysop account on some wikis, this will be used to delete pages
+# or to edit locked pages if you add such lines to your
+# user-config.py:
+# sysopnames['wikipedia']['de'] = 'myGermanUsername'
+# sysopnames['wiktionary']['en'] = 'myEnglishUsername'
+usernames = {}
+sysopnames = {}
+disambiguation_comment = {}
+gdab_namespaces = {}
+# Solve captchas in the webbrowser. Setting this to False will result in the
+# exception CaptchaError be thrown if a captcha is encountered.
+solve_captcha = True
+# Some sites will require password identication to access the HTML pages at
+# the site. If you have any such site, add lines to your user-config.py of
+# the following form:
+# authenticate['en.wikipedia.org'] = ('John','XXXXX')
+# where John is your login name, and XXXXX your password.
+# Note:
+# 1. This is only for sites that use authentication in the form that gives
+# you a popup for name and password when you try to access any data, NOT
+# for, for example, wiki usernames
+# 2. You must use the hostname of the site, not its family/language pair
+authenticate = {}
+# password_file = ".passwd"
+# A password file with default passwords. For more information, please
+# see LoginManager.readPassword in login.py.
+# By default you are asked for a password on the terminal.
+password_file = None
+# Get the names of all known families, and initialize
+# with empty dictionaries
+def _get_base_dir():
+ """Return the directory in which user-specific information is stored.
+ This is determined in the following order -
+ 1. If the script was called with a -dir: argument, use the directory
+ provided in this argument
+ 2. If the user has a PYWIKIBOT2_DIR environment variable, use the value
+ of it
+ 3. Use (and if necessary create) a 'pywikibot' folder (Windows) or
+ '.pywikibot' directory (Unix and similar) under the user's home
+ directory.
+ """
+ NAME = "pywikibot"
+ for arg in __sys.argv[1:]:
+ if arg.startswith("-dir:"):
+ base_dir = arg[5:]
+ __sys.argv.remove(arg)
+ break
+ else:
+ if os.environ.has_key("PYWIKIBOT2_DIR"):
+ base_dir = os.environ["PYWIKIBOT2_DIR"]
+ else:
+ is_windows = __sys.platform == 'win32'
+ home = os.path.expanduser("~")
+ if is_windows:
+ base_dir = os.path.join(home, "Application Data", NAME)
+ else:
+ base_dir = os.path.join(home, "."+NAME)
+ if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
+ os.makedirs(base_dir, mode=0700)
+ if not os.path.isabs(base_dir):
+ base_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), base_dir))
+ # make sure this path is valid and that it contains user-config file
+ if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
+ raise RuntimeError("Directory '%(base_dir)s' does not exist."
+ % locals())
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(base_dir, "user-config.py")):
+ raise RuntimeError("No user-config.py found in directory '%(base_dir)s'."
+ % locals())
+ return base_dir
+_base_dir = _get_base_dir()
+# families/ is a subdirectory of the directory in which config.py is found
+for _filename in os.listdir(
+ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'families')):
+ if _filename.endswith("_family.py"):
+ familyName = _filename[ : -len("_family.py")]
+ usernames[familyName] = {}
+ sysopnames[familyName] = {}
+ disambiguation_comment[familyName] = {}
+# Set to True to override the {{bots}} exclusion protocol (at your own risk!)
+ignore_bot_templates = False
+############## USER INTERFACE SETTINGS ##############
+# The encoding that's used in the user's console, i.e. how strings are encoded
+# when they are read by raw_input(). On Windows systems' DOS box, this should
+# be 'cp850' ('cp437' for older versions). Linux users might try 'iso-8859-1'
+# or 'utf-8'.
+# This default code should work fine, so you don't have to think about it.
+# TODO: consider getting rid of this config variable.
+ console_encoding = __sys.stdout.encoding
+ #When using pywikipedia inside a daemonized twisted application,
+ #we get "StdioOnnaStick instance has no attribute 'encoding'"
+ console_encoding = None
+# The encoding in which textfiles are stored, which contain lists of page titles.
+textfile_encoding = 'utf-8'
+# tkinter isn't yet ready
+userinterface = 'terminal'
+# Should we transliterate characters that do not exist in the console
+# character set?
+# True: whenever possible
+# False: never - always replace them by question marks
+# Currently only works if interface 'terminal' is set.
+transliterate = True
+# Should the system bell be ringed if the bot expects user input?
+ring_bell = False
+# Colorization can be used to markup important text parts of the output.
+# On Linux/Unix terminals, ANSI escape codes are used for this. On Windows,
+# it is done by a DLL call via ctypes. ctypes is only available since
+# Python 2.5, so if you're using Python 2.4 or lower on Windows, you should
+# upgrade.
+# Set this to False if you're using Linux and your tty doesn't support
+# ANSI colors.
+ # Don't print colorized when the output is, for example, piped to a file.
+ colorized_output = __sys.stdout.isatty()
+ colorized_output = False
+############## EXTERNAL EDITOR SETTINGS ##############
+# The command for the editor you want to use. If set to None, a simple Tkinter
+# editor will be used.
+# On Windows systems, this script tries to determine the default text editor.
+if __sys.platform=='win32':
+ try:
+ import _winreg
+ _key1 = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.txt\OpenWithProgids')
+ _progID = _winreg.EnumValue(_key1, 1)[0]
+ _key2 = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, '%s\shell\open\command' % _progID)
+ _cmd = _winreg.QueryValueEx(_key2, None)[0]
+ editor = _cmd.replace('%1', '')
+ # Notepad is even worse than our Tkinter editor.
+ if editor.lower().endswith('notepad.exe'):
+ editor = None
+ except:
+ #raise
+ editor = None
+ editor = None
+# Warning: DO NOT use an editor which doesn't support Unicode to edit pages!
+# You will BREAK non-ASCII symbols!
+editor_encoding = 'utf-8'
+# The temporary file name extension can be set in order to use syntax
+# highlighting in your text editor.
+editor_filename_extension = 'wiki'
+############## LOGFILE SETTINGS ##############
+# Defines for which scripts a logfile should be enabled. Logfiles will be
+# saved in the 'logs' subdirectory.
+# Example:
+# log = ['interwiki', 'weblinkchecker', 'table2wiki']
+# It is also possible to enable logging for all scripts, using this line:
+# log = ['*']
+# To disable all logging, use this:
+# log = []
+# Per default, logging of interwiki.py is enabled because its logfiles can
+# be used to generate so-called warnfiles.
+# This setting can be overridden by the -log or -nolog command-line arguments.
+log = ['interwiki']
+############## INTERWIKI SETTINGS ##############
+# Should interwiki.py report warnings for missing links between foreign
+# languages?
+interwiki_backlink = True
+# Should interwiki.py display every new link it discovers?
+interwiki_shownew = True
+# Should interwiki.py output a graph PNG file on conflicts?
+# You need pydot for this: http://dkbza.org/pydot.html
+interwiki_graph = False
+# Specifies that the robot should process that amount of subjects at a time,
+# only starting to load new pages in the original language when the total
+# falls below that number. Default is to process (at least) 100 subjects at
+# once.
+interwiki_min_subjects = 100
+# If interwiki graphs are enabled, which format(s) should be used?
+# Supported formats include png, jpg, ps, and svg. See:
+# http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/output.html
+# If you want to also dump the dot files, you can use this in your
+# user-config.py:
+# interwiki_graph_formats = ['dot', 'png']
+# If you need a PNG image with an HTML image map, use this:
+# interwiki_graph_formats = ['png', 'cmap']
+# If you only need SVG images, use:
+# interwiki_graph_formats = ['svg']
+interwiki_graph_formats = ['png']
+# You can post the contents of your autonomous_problems.dat to the wiki,
+# e.g. to http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Interwiki-Konflikte .
+# This allows others to assist you in resolving interwiki problems.
+# To help these people, you can upload the interwiki graphs to your
+# webspace somewhere. Set the base URL here, e.g.:
+# 'http://www.example.org/~yourname/interwiki-graphs/'
+interwiki_graph_url = None
+# Save file with local articles without interwikis.
+without_interwiki = False
+############## SOLVE_DISAMBIGUATION SETTINGS ############
+# Set disambiguation_comment[FAMILY][LANG] to a non-empty string to override
+# the default edit comment for the solve_disambiguation bot.
+# Use %s to represent the name of the disambiguation page being treated.
+# Example:
+# disambiguation_comment['wikipedia']['en'] = \
+# "Robot-assisted disambiguation ([[WP:DPL|you can help!]]): %s"
+sort_ignore_case = False
+############## IMAGE RELATED SETTINGS ##############
+# If you set this to True, images will be uploaded to Wikimedia
+# Commons by default.
+upload_to_commons = False
+############## SETTINGS TO AVOID SERVER OVERLOAD ##############
+# Slow down the robot such that it never requests a second page within
+# 'minthrottle' seconds. This can be lengthened if the server is slow,
+# but never more than 'maxthrottle' seconds. However - if you are running
+# more than one bot in parallel the times are lengthened.
+# By default, the get_throttle is turned off, and 'maxlag' is used to
+# control the rate of server access. Set minthrottle to non-zero to use a
+# throttle on read access.
+minthrottle = 0
+maxthrottle = 10
+# Slow down the robot such that it never makes a second page edit within
+# 'put_throttle' seconds.
+put_throttle = 10
+# Sometimes you want to know when a delay is inserted. If a delay is larger
+# than 'noisysleep' seconds, it is logged on the screen.
+noisysleep = 3.0
+# Defer bot edits during periods of database server lag. For details, see
+# http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Maxlag_parameter
+# You can set this variable to a number of seconds, or to None (or 0) to
+# disable this behavior. Higher values are more aggressive in seeking
+# access to the wiki.
+# Non-Wikimedia wikis may or may not support this feature; for families
+# that do not use it, it is recommended to set minthrottle (above) to
+# at least 1 second.
+maxlag = 5
+# Maximum of pages which can be retrieved by special pages. Increase this if
+# you heavily use redirect.py with action "double", and especially if you're
+# running solve_disambiguation.py with the -primary argument.
+special_page_limit = 500
+############## TABLE CONVERSION BOT SETTINGS ##############
+# will split long paragraphs for better reading the source.
+# only table2wiki.py use it by now
+splitLongParagraphs = False
+# sometimes HTML-tables are indented for better reading.
+# That can do very ugly results.
+deIndentTables = True
+# table2wiki.py works quite stable, so you might switch to True
+table2wikiAskOnlyWarnngs = True
+table2wikiSkipWarnings = False
+############## WEBLINK CHECKER SETTINGS ##############
+# How many external links should weblinkchecker.py check at the same time?
+# If you have a fast connection, you might want to increase this number so
+# that slow servers won't slow you down.
+max_external_links = 50
+report_dead_links_on_talk = False
+############## DATABASE SETTINGS ##############
+db_hostname = 'localhost'
+db_username = 'wikiuser'
+db_password = ''
+############## SEARCH ENGINE SETTINGS ##############
+# Some scripts allow querying Google via the Google Web API. To use this feature,
+# you must install the pyGoogle module from http://pygoogle.sf.net/ and have a
+# Google Web API license key. Note that Google doesn't give out license keys
+# anymore.
+google_key = ''
+# Some scripts allow using the Yahoo! Search Web Services. To use this feature,
+# you must install the pYsearch module from http://pysearch.sourceforge.net/
+# and get a Yahoo AppID from http://developer.yahoo.com
+yahoo_appid = ''
+# To use Windows Live Search web service you must get an AppID from
+# http://search.msn.com/developer
+msn_appid = ''
+############## COPYRIGHT SETTINGS ##############
+# Enable/disable search engine in copyright.py script
+copyright_google = True
+copyright_yahoo = True
+copyright_msn = False
+# Perform a deep check, loading URLs to search if 'Wikipedia' is present.
+# This may be useful to improve number of correct results. If you haven't
+# a fast connection, you might want to keep they disabled.
+copyright_check_in_source_google = False
+copyright_check_in_source_yahoo = False
+copyright_check_in_source_msn = False
+# Web pages may content a Wikipedia text without 'Wikipedia' word but with
+# typical '[edit]' tag result of copy & paste procedure. You can want no
+# report for this kind of URLs, even if they are copyright violation.
+# However, when enabled these URLs are logged in a file.
+copyright_check_in_source_section_names = False
+# Limit number of queries for page.
+copyright_max_query_for_page = 25
+# Skip a specified number of queries
+copyright_skip_query = 0
+# Number of attempts on connection error.
+copyright_connection_tries = 10
+# Behavior if an exceeded error occur.
+# Possibilities:
+# 0 = None
+# 1 = Disable search engine
+# 2 = Sleep (default)
+# 3 = Stop
+copyright_exceeded_in_queries = 2
+copyright_exceeded_in_queries_sleep_hours = 6
+# Append last modified date of URL to script result
+copyright_show_date = True
+# Append length of URL to script result
+copyright_show_length = True
+# By default the script try to identify and skip text that contents a wide
+# comma separated list or only numbers. But sometimes that might be the
+# only part unmodified of a slightly edited and not otherwise reported
+# copyright violation. You can disable this feature to try to increase
+# number of results.
+copyright_economize_query = True
+############## HTTP SETTINGS ##############
+# Use a persistent http connection. An http connection has to be established
+# only once per site object, making stuff a whole lot faster. Do NOT EVER
+# use this if you share Site objects across threads without proper locking.
+## DISABLED FUNCTION. Setting this variable will not have any effect.
+persistent_http = False
+# Default socket timeout. Set to None to disable timeouts.
+socket_timeout = 120 # set a pretty long timeout just in case...
+############## FURTHER SETTINGS ##############
+# The bot can make some additional changes to each page it edits, e.g. fix
+# whitespace or positioning of interwiki and category links.
+# This is an experimental feature; handle with care and consider re-checking
+# each bot edit if enabling this!
+cosmetic_changes = False
+# If cosmetic changes are switched on, and you also have several accounts at
+# projects where you're not familiar with the local conventions, you probably
+# only want the bot to do cosmetic changes on your "home" wiki which you
+# specified in config.mylang and config.family.
+# If you want the bot to also do cosmetic changes when editing a page on a
+# foreign wiki, set cosmetic_changes_mylang_only to False, but be careful!
+cosmetic_changes_mylang_only = True
+# End of configuration section
+# ============================
+# System-level and User-level changes.
+# Store current variables and their types.
+for _key in _gl:
+ if _key[0]!='_':
+ _tp[_key]=type(globals()[_key])
+# Get the user files
+_fns=[os.path.join(_base_dir, "user-config.py")]
+for _filename in _fns:
+ _thislevel += 1
+ if os.path.exists(_filename):
+ _filestatus=os.stat(_filename)
+ _filemode=_filestatus[0]
+ _fileuid=_filestatus[4]
+ if (__sys.platform=='win32' or _fileuid==os.getuid() or _fileuid==0):
+ if __sys.platform=='win32' or _filemode&002==0:
+ execfile(_filename)
+ else:
+ print "WARNING: Skipped '%(fn)s': writeable by others."\
+ % {'fn' :_filename}
+ else:
+ print "WARNING: Skipped '%(fn)s': owned by someone else."\
+ % {'fn' :_filename}
+# Test for obsoleted and/or unknown variables.
+for _key in globals().keys():
+ if _key[0]=='_':
+ pass
+ elif _key in _gl:
+ nt=type(globals()[_key])
+ ot=_tp[_key]
+ if nt==ot or nt==type(None) or ot==type(None):
+ pass
+ elif nt==type(1) and ot==type(1.0):
+ pass
+ elif ot==type(1) and nt==type(1.0):
+ pass
+ elif nt==type(1) and ot==type(True):
+ pass
+ elif ot==type(1) and nt==type(True):
+ pass
+ else:
+ print "WARNING: Type of '%(_key)s' changed" % locals()
+ print " %(was)s: %(old)s" % {'was': "Was", 'old': ot}
+ print " %(was)s: %(new)s" % {'now': "Now", 'new': nt}
+ del nt,ot
+ else:
+ logger.warn(
+ "Configuration variable %(_key)r is defined but unknown. Misspelled?"
+ % locals())
+# Fix up default console_encoding
+if console_encoding == None:
+ if __sys.platform=='win32':
+ console_encoding = 'cp850'
+ else:
+ console_encoding = 'iso-8859-1'
+# Save base_dir for use by other modules
+base_dir = _base_dir
+def makepath(path):
+ """Return a normalized absolute version of the path argument.
+ - if the given path already exists in the filesystem
+ the filesystem is not modified.
+ - otherwise makepath creates directories along the given path
+ using the dirname() of the path. You may append
+ a '/' to the path if you want it to be a directory path.
+ from holger at trillke.net 2002/03/18
+ """
+ from os import makedirs
+ from os.path import normpath, dirname, exists, abspath
+ dpath = normpath(dirname(path))
+ if not exists(dpath): makedirs(dpath)
+ return normpath(abspath(path))
+def datafilepath(*filename):
+ """Return an absolute path to a data file in a standard location.
+ Argument(s) are zero or more directory names, optionally followed by a
+ data file name. The return path is offset to config.base_dir. Any
+ directories in the path that do not already exist are created.
+ """
+ import os
+ return makepath(os.path.join(base_dir, *filename))
+def shortpath(path):
+ """Return a file path relative to config.base_dir."""
+ import os
+ if path.startswith(base_dir):
+ return path[len(base_dir) + len(os.path.sep) : ]
+ return path
+# When called as main program, list all configuration variables
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ import types
+ _all=1
+ for _arg in __sys.argv[1:]:
+ if _arg=="modified":
+ _all=0
+ else:
+ print "Unknown arg %(_arg)s ignored" % locals()
+ _k=globals().keys()
+ _k.sort()
+ for _name in _k:
+ if _name[0]!='_':
+ if not type(globals()[_name]) in [types.FunctionType, types.ModuleType]:
+ if _all or _glv[_name]!=globals()[_name]:
+ print _name,"=",repr(globals()[_name])
+# cleanup all locally-defined variables
+for __var in globals().keys():
+ if __var.startswith("_") and not __var.startswith("__"):
+ del __sys.modules[__name__].__dict__[__var]
+del __var, __sys
+del os, re
Property changes on: branches/rewrite/pywikibot/config2.py
Added: svn:keywords
+ Author Date Id Revision
Added: svn:mergeinfo
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
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